"Offspring of chaos" (ocxmel&zel) chapter 9

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Meliodas pov

I see that my dear has reached her true powers, i doubt it'll last though "wait why am i saying "dear" that's strange, it looks like my feeling for her remain". Then i went to do something unexpected, i kissed her out of the blue

She was shocked at first but kissed back, she stopped and looked at me rava, "i guess we can never not love each other. Zeldris...i'm sorry about this but i think this decides my future, don't worry though. Even if i perish doing it. I WILL safe Gelda for you!" He looked emotional at her

Zeldris, "thank you...dear Rava, I don't want to be stuck with a decision between you and gelda. So if my brother makes us all happy together, then i'll be with gelda. We will be together like before. And that's an order i'd give!" His gesture and emotions were clear and it even forced a smirk in rava and my faces the 2 coldest beings in existence. He smiled back and then we nodded.

I power down to my demon mark and so does rava, zeldris powers up to his newly learned complete demon mark by ravana's training. "This fight will mark and celebrate our reuinion!" We yelled together as the demon race cheered, even the demon king who was still watching through hawk smiled.

3rd person pov

Rava smirks evilly at Zeldris "looks like we all finally completed our demon powers, it's time. Demons vs za warudo! (The world)" she said something in demon that challenged the goddess race. They didn't know exactly what they mean but they were offended.

Mael, "4 archangels, listen up, we will 2 vs 1 meliodas and Ravana i and ludociel will fight against meliodas, since we have a score to settle. Sariel and tarmiel along with king who volunteered to fight her will face ravana!" He ordered as they all agreed, meanwhile the rest of the sins fought cusack and zeldris.

Chandler came and assisted meliodas in the 2vs1. Ravana went and smashed tarmiel to the ground, king summoned his chastiful "how dare you betray us, i will never forgive you!" He said as he did an increase combined attack with sariels wind grace.

Rava, "who?" She questioned as she blocked all of the fast spears with one hand king, "who what?" He questions "who cares about you?" She said as she powered up took a stance and skillfully strikes king who falls to the ground

Rava, "so it's just you huh sariel? What can a little angel like you do? You're just a little over a 10th of my power as i am now..." she stated bothered by him wasting her time

Sariel, "i will defeat you!" He used all of his powers and it hit, everyone cheered and the sins looked and so did zeldris diane, "did those 2 truly do it?" The serpent sin questions

Zeldris, "you must be stupid, if you think those inferior god's can hope to defeat her!" He laughed with a smirk as the smoke clears rava stands there with dark aura and a menacing death glare. She wasn't even grazed or dirty by the attack zeldris, "see what i mean...?" He said confidently

They all looked shocked only to see sariel stabbed by her, then she used a chaos power on that blade as sariel died right there. The archangels stopped fighting and went towards her

Tarmiel dematerialized and came next to them and they descended Zeldris, the 10 commandments and meliodas came behind her and the commandments especially galand cheered proudly.

Galand, "i knew you'd slay that filthy archangel." He said proudly and she just turned with a cold nod.

Ludociel, "you filthy creature! We will annihilate you!" The commandments didn't like that one bit mael was first to get next to ludociel rava blocked the path of the commandments. Rava, "these 2 ants threatened me, they're mine to crush. Galand, you and zeldris can kill off tarmiel, meli you go and deal with the sins. The rest of the commandments will lead the demons to victory against the holy knights and soldiers of the goddess race." They all nod

Rava, "come and bring it on pesky angels..." she demanded, ludociel striked at her but she dodged before he even did so and kicked him in the guts. Mael came and shoot a sun ray at her but she grabbed it and threw it at ludociel who crashed down. The demons looked like they were winning. But then, noon came along escanor turns into the one mode and mael is at his peak.

Rava, "i guess it's time to stop toying around guy's..." she said as she unsuppressed herself and powered up to fp in demon mark. Zeldris did the same and meliodas went assault mode fp.

Tarmiel managed to shrug galand off and attacked ravana with mael and ludociel. She blocked everything and dodges it all while countering the attacks, but then ludociel and mael did the unthinkable. They used fp and attacked galand who was dying right there. As the goddess race cheered

Ravana was shocked, and cried, she went to galand.

Galand, "i'm sorry...i couldn't see the completion of the demon race and the conclusion of the holy war." He said "i will avenge you i shall massacre the entire goddess race for what they did that's my promise" she didn't turn to stone and galand shed his first and last tear "i know...you will..." he said as his eye glow went off and he died then disintegrated

Ravana was PISSED, and began to pretty much roar at that point as she went into her chaos mode she was silent and just gave them a death glare.

Even the commandments and zeldris were afraid of this ravana she charged and within seconds the archangels were on the ground ripped to pieces. Aside from mael who got help from the one ultimate escanor. The demon king came due to the negative energy as possessed zeldris who begun fighting meliodas.

They used their fp in the next attack and it hit her, but when the smoke cleared she only has a scratch. Escanor, "how can a being that strong exist...i knew i was the strongest. Turns out i was, wrong." In that time

Ravana went and killed Elizabeth who was constantly heal blocking the goddesses, the spell started to work and meliodas cried for her. Then attacked ravana. She however, was to mad to care

Rava, "it doesn't matter if that spell is affecting your mentality, meli. Those who side with the goddess race" eye's start glowing darker "will not be spared" it was at that moment that zeldris and the supreme deity also came. Everyone was standing in ravana's way behind meliodas

To be continued later

The next part will conclude this series, a slight spoiler: the first half will be the war concluding the second half will be the chaos saga. Expect a very long chapter. Possibly 5000+ words :)

Words: 1150

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