"Offspring of chaos" (ocxmel) final chapter

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Ravana's pov

"It is time to end this ridiculous holy war once and for all, no more playing around" i glared at the army in front of me

"So, me against the world is it? Well then let the world's end, begin. With that end comes new creation from the beings that is me and my creator, this is true chaos" i glare menacingly towards the demon race, who sided with the goddess race

"This guy...is this the guy who keeps making chaos come over me?" Looks at zeldris

"I found it, i found it, i found it, i found it, I FOUND ITTTT!!!" I finally give into the chaos "come with me zeldris and gelda, you two shall mark the beginning of the new world. New demons and vampires, an me i am already complete as a whole myself...i shall rebirth meliodas and make sure elizabeth doesn't come back! No more governing, zeldris and meliodas together will be at the responsibility to rebuild the demon race and make that the ultimate race, i shall do the same with the other's. In order for chaos to remain, the goddess race will never see the light of the world again..." i break the demon king apart from zeldris making the dk himself be alive again as he arrives

Zeldris, "you really have to make me take such a decision huh? Abandoning the demon race and betraying our kind together again. You're still the one that took care of us with great care, and i'd do literally ANYTHING to make the "3" of us return. That's right if you want me to join you, you must promise to bring meliodas back to us and estarossa no mael side." He glares at mael in disgust mael who apparently survived thanks to the supreme deity appearing at the moment he was losing

I nod at him signaling that i'll do that, i resurrected arthur who got killed by cusack. He now has chaos or my father inside him as a vessel it's weakened of course since chaos is too mighty for anything to handle.

Chaos in arthurs mind is speaking to me In telepathy chaos, "come my daughter, we shall prove why chaos will always prevails in the end" "yes we shall" i reply.

Supreme deity and demon king, "let the true holy war begin...!!" They say together

"Zeldris we shall no longer split up the 5 of us will be with gelda until the very end, we will allow no one to perish here" he nods at me while we see elizabeth has returned due to the curse and they explained everything to her and her mother gives her the power so she can help along with the dk doing the same to meliodas along with purgatory. He goes into assault mode and stands with Elizabeth in front of the sds who are in front of the fairy, giants and humans and lead them as they all charge at us united...

Meliodas' pov

I just couldn't believe they'd betray me in a situation like this, especially since she admitted she loves me. And we made out... "why do i feel so cursed" i thought within my mind

"It's time to end this holy war guy's!" He shouted encouraging them

Rava, "so...he got his emotions restored. Hopefully that means Elizabeth also won't be reincarnated anymore. If that's the case, i'll end our suffering!"i exclaimed clearly wanting her dead as quickly as possible

Sds, "we won't let you!" Ban tried to hit her after training he definitely improved a lot power level is higher than full grown wings king, about 450.000+/-500.000 but he was sent flying by her darkness alone

Diane and gowther were also sent flying by ominous nebula, meanwhile king got chaotic countered.

I myself went to hit cusack and zel one with hellblaze and zel with a swift kick, rava slammed me back against the ground and threw a chaotic blaze at the army. Which was protected by noon mael

Mael then reached an ultimate form which caught even rava's attention as she flew into the sky unleashed her blade and got into a stance to fight.

Rava, "it seem like you're going to be the fun part of the war" she smirked as i myself charged to full power and so did mael we stood there side by side for the first and only time. "I don't wish to do this rava, please come back to us" i pleaded

She scoffed at the idea and began to clash with me

I see her get hit by an ultra greatest sun which actually scratched her in chaos mode, she smirks and kicked him in the throat which caused it to collapse so he couldn't breathe. She the charged a chaotic hell blaze

I kick it back to her face but she grabs it and then punched me into the ground and proceeded to clash against ultimate mael

She was on the winning side but i quickly went and decked my little brother, then knocked out cusack, chandler desided to help me.

"Give it up rava, it's 3 against 1" i said wanting this to end

Rava, "i like those odds..." as she clashed with all of us, meanwhile, Zeldris influenced a couple demons and holy knights with his commandment of piety, they began to fight against the commandments all at once. While zeldris and cusack who goes on to tap into his true form faces the sds.

3rd person pov

From there, ban went and kicked zeldris and began to beat the crap out of him and cusack was beating gowther and diane. While king fired as back up with more power than the other sins aside from ban have. Escanor came to aid in his the one ultimate form.

He punches ravana in her face alongside mael but it didn't do a thing "is that all the power of the supreme deity has to offer...shameful!"

They appear shocked, including meliodas who charged his fp and managed to graze her with a kick and scratch her with his blade, she grins in approval and did a spin kick causing them to regroup

Mael used a greatest sun and meliodas used full counter, she sliced it in half and blasted mael away and clashes with the rest

The demons were losing against all of the clans, the holy knights had no chance against the commandments and the corrupted demons were taken on by Merlin, diane and gowther.

That's when the dk stepped in along with the supreme deity, they fused. And glared at ravana as they knocked her to the ground she groans

Ravana, "i'll punish you for that insolent god's..." as she powers up to 100% of her true powers, arthur/chaos came and chaos momentarily fuses with me while arthur was unconscious

They were shocked at her power lvl
supreme demon,"this is insane! Strength 2.000.000. Magic 3.000.000 spirit 550.000 total power 5.500.000!!!!!" Everyone stopped their fight the commandments gave back their powers to the supreme demon along with Elizabeth's power being added to them

Their power was now 4.500.000 together the sins added their powers to the supreme demon and mael/meliodas joined while escanor gave his power to mael, they equaled ravana she smirked and said "it's finally time for the final stretch..."

Hi guy's i decided to divide the last chapter into 3 parts. This is the start of the holy war, next is the end of the holy war and last is the chaos saga with cath paluge and arthur. After that i will copy paste them into one chapter along with a happy celebration and medal awards to the sins. And that will conclude this book :)!

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