God's time

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Thank you for the votes. Recently I've been watching The Chosen and you can only imagining how it has changed my life. Do take out time to check it out.


"You didn't!" Kim exclaimed, laughter in her voice.

"I'm mortified," I said, frustration tinging my words. "I don't even know how to face him now."

"Look, making the first move is great and all, but rejection is a real possibility," Kim said, laughing even harder.

I wanted to join in on the laughter, but the situation was still fresh in my mind.

"Hey, think about it this way," Kim said, her tone taking on a more optimistic note. "If he asked you out in the first place, it's a pretty good indication that he likes you. It might be awkward right now, but if he's a good guy, he'll understand."

"True, but it would've been easier if he'd made the first move," I replied, a hint of frustration in my voice.

"Look at you, Miss 'If he liked it, then he should've put a ring on it,'" Kim teased, laughing.

I groaned, exasperated. "It's not funny, Kim."

"Oh, come on," she said, still chuckling.

"I just hope I don't get to see him because my plan is to legit go unconscious"

"Ha....and when you regain consciousness the first face you see is his then you legit die abi?" She laughs

As soon as the words "Eh...heh! Who is this Femi guy sef?!" came out of Kim's mouth, I knew I had to cut her off.

"Got to go...later," I blurted out, my voice brusque and forced.

"You've got to tell m-" she started to say, but I didn't give her the chance to finish, pressing the end call button before she could get another word in.

I let out a sigh, annoyed at myself for letting the situation get to me.


"So, how are you feeling today?" I asked the woman, checking on her well-being.

"I'm doing okay," she replied, her voice weak but still optimistic. "When do you think I'll be discharged?"

I smiled reassuringly. "The doctor will let you know. But don't worry, we'll take good care of you until then."

The woman nodded, but her eyes had a hint of concern. "My daughter should be here by two."

"What time is it now?" she asked.

I looked at the clock on the wall, which was clearly visible to me but probably not to her.

"It's past one," I replied. "Visiting hours start at two-thirty, so she'll be here soon."

"It's so frustrating to just be waiting around," Mrs. Smith sighed, clearly growing impatient.

"I promise, she'll be here soon," I reassured her. "And if you're feeling up to it, maybe you can take a walk around the ward when visiting hours start?"

Just as I was trying to pacify her, the door to her room cracked open, and Dr. Richard appeared, his confident smile beaming.

"Good morning, Mrs."

"Doctor Richard!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with relief. I couldn't help but notice the difference in her demeanor compared to earlier. It was almost as if a ray of sunshine had entered the room along with the doctor. Everyone likes this man.

"Good morning, Mrs. Smith," he greeted her with a smile, walking towards her bed. "I'm here to check on you."

"Oh, thank goodness," she replied, a hint of gratefulness in her voice. "I was just asking when I would be discharged or even see a doctor. It's been quite frustrating, you know."

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