Abilities And Gauge System

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Warlords have have at least two abilities and passive skill that allow their team an extra stat boost. Though the others only have one ability, they can obtain a Dual Gauge by having a strong bond with their Warlords. The Dual Gauge allows the person to have passive ability when the gauge is full.

The two main broad categorization of gauges are Accumulation and Consumption. Accumulation types start with an empty gauge whereas the Consumption types start off full.
They both can either be a singular long bar or segmented. The only aspect they have in common is the refill rate.

With many different kinds of abilities and its limitation with the gauge types, the most common descriptives (not limited to) are:

Singular Accumulation (Metronome): Most abilities requires the whole gauge to be filled and consumed fully upon using the abilities whereas other abilities can be consume partially and have weaker effects. Most common for people who have movement related abilities such as blinks, flashes, and dashes, or transference abilities.

Segmented Accumulation (Milestone): Upon meeting specified conditions (including time, though less common), a segment is filled and the user gains an ability or stat boost. Most used by people who can take a hit, or send a chain of hits.

Singular Consumption (Aura): Similar to the Metronomes, Casters can either fully or partially consume their gauge. Most abilities using this gauge are channeling abilities, meaning that the effects of abilities will continue only when the Casters are in focused, stationary, or keeping some sort of condition (e.g holding breath, dancing). Most supports use this gauge.

Segmented Consumption (Ammo): Each segment is one abilities' usage worth. So, ten segments equals to ten casts. The gauge fills over time, but like an overheat system, the person can only send a barrage equal to that amount.

There HP gauge which is dubbed as Stamina. This aspect is only mentioned and not detailed for a person can die if the Stamina depletes or if the person dies of natural causes such as suffocation and decapitation.

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