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Btw yall r talking in English Rn cuz you both can speak it, and if you'd didn't already know you're speaking in Japanese cuz... you live in Japan 💀

"Wow that's so cool! I'm guessing you're an exchange student too?"

"Yea.. from (where you live cuz I wouldn't know)"

"That's awesome! Your name?"

"Y/n- SORRY- l/n, y/n"

"Haha aww, I'm Tori ch-! wait. You're a second year aren't you!"

Oh yea, you're in a higher math class since you're good at math, this means the class is mixed with second and third years


"OH! Call me Tori senpai~" She winked. Not me putting myself in this fic 🙄🤚

"Whatever" you giggled.

She laughed "Hmm let's see what class you have next." Tori said looking at your paper.

"Mrs. Sakurai! I had her last year she's super nice!" She took your hand and started walking there.

You blushed at the small act but quickly pushed it off when she started talking again.

"Sooooo have you thought about joining any clubs?" She asked.

"Umm no not really. It is my first day here, any recommendations?"

"Well... there's always the photography club.." if yk yk 😁


"Joking! What types of things do you like? Sports? Arts? Anime?"

"Uhh I'm not really sure, what do you think?"

"I'm part of the fashion club!"



"I'm not really good with fashion, maybe it's because I'm poor but still, I'd let yo dress me up tho✨"


You laughed

"Anyways, back to clubs! I'm pretty sure the boys volleyball club needs a new manager, I'm not sure if that's something you'd be into."

"Boys?..." you said clearly disappointed.

"Ehhhh, look, this is coming from a lesbian. They're kinda cute 👀"

"I- what?"

"They're respectful too 👀"



"Where do I sign up? 👀"

You both started laughing,

"Oh we're here!"


"Well I'll see you later Y/n~~!"

"Byebye!" You said before leaving to your next class.


Finally the end of the day,

Unfortunately you didn't have any other Classes with Tori and you didn't have any new friends either.

Now, time to find her so she can tell you more about the volleyball club.

You walked around the third years floor feeling a bit embarrassed since you were in a younger year.

You were looking at the ground trying not to make eye contact with the older students when suddenly-

You bumped into something big on accident.

Slowly looking up you saw a taller man. With black hair that kinda reminded you of a rooster.

Damn he was good looking but god he was scary...

"Sorry, I should've watched where I was going. Are you alright?" He spoke

"Umm yea."

"A second year? Why are you up here? Do you need help finding something?"

You didn't really wanna talk to the guy but how where you gonna find Tori without help...

You sighed,

"Im looking for Tori San..." you quickly said.

"OH! Tori? She's looking for you too! Are you the girl that's interested in becoming the boys volleyball manager?"

"Oh! Um, yes that's me!"

"Cool, let's find her together then ;)"...


You were following the guy but you couldn't help but notice the awkward silence.

But of course you were to scared to break it until he spoke.

"So what's your name?"

"L/n, y/n."

"What a pretty name...."

".....well are you gonna tell me your name?.."

"Oh so sorry!" He chuckled, "I'm Kuroo, Tetsuro, nice to meet you L/n!" He smiled,

Which was probably contagious because you could feel your cheeks forming into a smile.

"There she is!"

"Y/N" she cried,

She ran up to both of you "Thanks Kuroo kun for guiding our cute little kouhai!" She said squishing your cheeks as you slowly took her hands off your face.

"So this is the club?"

"Well it's inside the gym of course!"

"Okay well lead the way!"

She opens the door to the gym as you and Kuroo entered,

You were immediately hit with the smell of sweat, but it wasn't so horrible.

You were looking around at the boys who were practicing,

You had to admit, Tori was right, they were pretty cute.....

Viewing the scenery of hot guys with sweat dripping from their forehead while practicing volleyball you heard someone shout from across the room,

"Hey! Girl from this morning!"....


Hey 🤚

I don't care if ur older than me I'm ur mom now and I'll spoil you you (not with gifts I'm poor) but, mwah
Stay fresh sweeties 😚🤌💋

And if you haven't already get urself some food and water 🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫🥫

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