{f o u r}

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You were walking to the subway when you saw Lev.

"Hey Y/n chan!" He exclaimed waving his hand and walking to where you were.

"It's l/n to you!"

"Oh haha sorry I forgot" he said scratching the back of his neck,

You both made small talk until the train came

You both walked in and found a seats next to each other, obviously yall took them.

"Y/n can I lean on your shoulder"

"W- What?"

"I'm tireeedddddddd"

"You're always tired why don't you get some more sleep!"  

Then he pleaded, eventually you said yes since it was getting annoying.

"YAYY!!" He then rested his head on your shoulder and closed his eyes,

You blushed and looked at him sleeping...  admiring all his features. 😏😏😏

Before you knew it the train was getting close to school so you decided to wake him up.

You poked his cheek and forehead until he fluttered his eyes open.


"Cmon, school."


The doors opened and you both walked to school together,

Him walking you to your class.


Walking into your first period you saw Tori talking to her other friends until she noticed you and started talking with you.

"Y/n! How was it yesterday?"

"Good, and you were right. THEY ARE CUTE!" You tried not to sound to loud because Fukunaga was behind you and you didn't want him to hear you


You both giggled until the bell rang.

Your teacher was blabbing about math and how you were going to work on the new chapter with the person that sits in front or behind you.

Seeing how you didn't know the person in front of you and they already seemed to be working with someone, you turned to work with Fukunaga.

"Hi, wanna work together?"


"Okay how about we do.... this problem" you said pointing to your textbook "then solve and share!"

"Mhmm, sounds good."

After a few minutes you both revealed your answers, noticing yours was different he asked you how you got the answer.

You explained your steps until he stopped you.

He leaned in close looking at your paper and correcting your work, not noticing how close he was to your face.

You could feel yourself burning up a bit. How could you not? some cute boy is all up in your space, in the good way.

"Do you get it?" He said with his soft voice then looked up.

Both of your faces only centimeters away...

He saw how close he was and immediately apologised his face also red.

You tried to tell him it was okay and that accidents happen but you could tell he felt super guilty.

You wish he didn't because you secretly liked it. 🤭

Then the bell rang.

Fukunaga quickly packed up his things and left, probably from embarrassment.

"I saw the whole thing 😏" you heard Tori say,

"Shut up" you said and rolled you your eyes, cheeks still a bit red.

She laughed at you while you had your arms crossed walking to your next class.


Now it was after school, you changed clothes, and were making your way to the gym.

You were early, and you saw Kenma sitting on the grass, criss cross, leaned up against the gym wall playing on his Nintendo Switch.

With nothing else to you decided to sit next to him, it's good to get to know your team.

He noticed you.

"Do you need something?" He said in a deadpan expression still looking at his game.

"No. I actu- hey is they Pokemon moon?!"

".... you know it?"

"YES. I love it I used to play it!"

"Why'd you stop?"

"I'm a bit clumsy and broke my ds" you said laughing awkwardly.

You saw him give the faintest smile,

It made your heart feel fuzzy...

"Wanna play?" He suggested,

"YEA, I- I- mean, if that's okay with you if love to!"

Then he smiled again, "of course"

A bit of time passed...

He was directing you when you where battling other trainers.

It was a bunch of fun, then you heard a voice.

"What are you two doing?" Kuroo laughed at you both, not in a mean way.

"Kuroo. Go away." Kenma said glaring at him,

"Aww cmon Kenma! Practice is gonna start in a few minutes, you too l/n!"

You weren't gonna mess up your chance to be manager so you stood up, brushed the dirt off your legs and butt, then held you hand out for Kenma to grab.

"Do we have too... just a few more minutes.." he gave a saddened face

It hurt to see him like this but you knew you had to go inside,

"Yes Kenma. But maybe sometime later we can play more video games together!"

His mood lightened a bit and he took your hand and got up and you two walked into the gym...


Real talk.

This chapter is kinda poopy and I'm probably gonna redo it ;-; BUT HEY ATLEAST I GOT 4 READS YAYYYYY! 🕺

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2020 ⏰

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