Chapter 10

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Jimmy got to his lab as soon as he could, he scanned Carl's measurements for a perfectly-fitted prosthesis. Jimmy began to work for hours and hours before he even got the schematics laid out. As Jimmy was working he heard his computer inform him that there was someone outside. He rolled his chair over to his monitor to see who was outside. It was Stella. Jimmy quickly opened up the door and let her in. Her eyes were filled with tears and her face distraught.

"Jimmy I don't know what to do about Carl I'm so scared for him and I can't help him or even go see him because they won't let me in. I just don't know what to do..." Stella cries.

"I understan---"Jimmy says interrupted.

"NO YOU DON'T!" Stella shouts.

"You're right Stella I have never been oppressed the way you have been, and I'm sorry. But I've been working on a prosthesis for Carl. It should be a perfect fit for him and it should be able to function just as his normal arm would have if not better." Jimmy explains.

"You're serious?" Stella asks. "How did you prepare that so quickly?"

"'Boy Genius' remember?" Jimmy says as he grins confidently.

"You're a miracle Jimmy!!" She exclaims, wiping away her tears. "How long do you think it would take?"

"My computers estimate that it'll take about 32 hours." Jimmy says as he pulls up statistics on his computer.

"Jimmy you're amazing!" Stella says as she gives him a hug.

As hours pass, Jimmy works while Stella assists where she can. Around halfway through the construction of his arm Jimmy brought up an idea to Stella.

"Stella, what if we enhanced the arm to give Carl... abilities?" Jimmy suggested.

"What abilities?" Stella asked.

Jimmy looked up and responded with a grin that spoke a thousand words. It was 5:00pm the next day whenever they finished. Jimmy and Stella both wiped the dirt and grease from their faces as they looked down at what they accomplished. The arm would fit from the shoulder down and was constructed of durable carbon fiber. It was a medical marvel. The arm would accept Carl's blood to power it without harming him and give him incredible strength.

"We did it." Jimmy said "Let's take this to him."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2020 ⏰

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