Ice Cream

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"Are you ok?" Amaku said quietly. Kakudo wrapped his arms and legs round him tightly. Amaku picked him up and walked the out of the school. Ice cream always made Kakudo feel better, so on the way home they stopped by their favorite ice cream shop.

"Are you ready to tell me know?" Amaku said while licking his chocolate ice cream.

"I-it was Chinmoku and K-ko." Replied Kakudo still wiping away tears. Amaku looked up from his ice cream and starred at the angle that god at sent from above. They had done it again. They had hurt Kakudo and now he wasn't angry, he was much more then that.

"Are you ok, Amaku-chan?" Said Kakudo still licking his strawberry ice cream.

Amaku couldn't hold the anger anymore, "WHY DIDN'T YOU DO ANYTHING! I CAN'T TRUST YOU TO BE ALONE ANYMORE! YOU NEED TO DEFEND YOURSELF!" Amaku usually tried to keep his anger in when it came to Kakudo, but this was too much to hold in. Kakudo started to cry.

"I'm so sorry. It was scary, Amaku-chan. He got too close. He called me names." Kakudo balled. Amaku looked at Kakudo and realized what he had done.

"No, no, no, don't cry. Your eyes is too beautiful to be ruined with that sad face." He said as he wiped Kakudo's tears away.

"Why do they do that? Why do they touch me, Amaku?" Kakudo looked at Amaku. His grey eyes meeting Amaku's blue ones.

"I really don't know, angle." He said as he hugged Kakudo's head. Amaku started to gather his stuff on the other side of the table, getting ready to leave.

"Please stay, I need you." This was the first time that Kakudo had ever said that he needed someone. He had always been so independent and acted like he needed no one, but now he need someone more then ever. Amaku was shocked, but understood so he stayed, hugging Kakudo tight.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Next Day~

As they walked into school the next day, Kakudo was clinging to Amaku. Amaku spotted Chinmoku and Kko sitting in the lobby of the school. He sat Kakudo down and told him that he had to go to the bathroom.

"Ok, Amaku-chan!" He said with a smile. Amaku walked up two the boys, trying to keep his head up.

"Oh, look it's the nerd. Wheres your boyfriend?" Scoffed Chinmoku. Amaku rolled his eyes.

"Don't ever touch him again." Said Amaku.

"Don't be like that. I know you want some too, slut." Said Chinmoku pulling on Amaku's shirt.

"This is a waste of our time. Don't worry you will get your sanctification at 4th." Said Kko pulling Chinmoku as they walked away. Amaku took his fingers and tried to squish Chinmoku's head like it was a grape.

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