Explaining my Depression to my teacher

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mentions of depression, insomnia, anxiety and death/thoughts of people dying.


Multiverse found

Explaining my depression to my teacher; a conversation

"Midoriya this will involve mentions of anxiety, insomnia and depression. Are you ok with watching or do you wish to go into the Safe room?"

Midoriya- I'll stay

"Ok then. I'll start it"



As everyone looked towards the screen. Fern sneaked their way to the villains and sat between Twice and Dabi.

"Don't say anything" they whispered. Both Dabi and Twice nodded and looked back at the screen.

The screen brightened as everyone saw Midoriya being led outside the classroom by Aizawa.

"Problem child, why are you depressed?".

Voice over in Midoriya's voice- Explaining my depression to my teacher a conversation

"Sir, my depression is a shapeshifter. One day it's as small as a firefly in the palm of a bear. The next it's the bear." Midoriya takes a deep breath trying to stay clam. "On those days I play dead until the bear leaves me alone. I call those days the dark days"

"Try lighting candles" Aizawa suggested

"But when I see a candle, I see the flesh of a church. The flicker of a flame, sparks of a memory younger than noon." Midoriya looks at Aizawa with broken glass-like eyes.

Kaminari- What does he mean when he says memory?

"In this universe, Midoriya's father tried taking him to church to pray the gay away, (if you know this I love you) Midoriya wasn't allowed to leave the church until he was "normal", he was constantly surrounded by candles to "purify" him".

Inko- Why did I let that happen?

"You died three days after Midoriya was born. Which then led to Midoriya's father blaming his sexuality for "killing" you"

Midoriya- Can I leave for a bit, please Fern.

Fern looks over to Midoriya to see the gentle shine of tears threatening to fall. "Of course." Midoriya smiles as he vanishes.

Aizawa, Dabi and Todoroki- I'm ready to kill this b*tch

"I am standing beside her open casket. It is the moment I learn that every person I ever come to know will someday die." Midoriya takes a shuddering breath. "Besides Sensei, I'm not afraid of the dark, perhaps that's part of the problem."

"I thought the problem was that you can't get out of bed?" Aizawa asks as he raises an eyebrow.

"I can't, anxiety holds me a hostage inside of my house, inside of my head."

"Where did anxiety come from?"  Aizawa questioned

Bakugou- Oi, Dumbass, I thought this was meant to be about sh*tty nerds depression, not this anxiety bullsh*t

"Continue watching and you'll find out. Also, call me dumbass once more and they won't find your body" Fern says as their eyes start to glow as they glare at Bakugou.

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