I always think I was born to make change in this world. So there was a moment in my life, where I met someone who I thought I can help to change. I have my very strong principle of life where I love helping people out. So I met a person, who was a big darkness to the world, people are scared of him, but I was blinded by the desire of me wanted to help this person to change. I thought I can change this person, but I was so wrong. A man will never change for someone, he will never change for a girl, he will change, when he actually wants to. The fairytale we had been creating, saying love can change everything, it was all a lie, and here I am, breaking the fairytale of us, so that we can clearly see the reality of our life.
But this year, something miracle happens in front of my eyes. When my mind were all set up to not believe on man to change, I met someone who is a magic and a miracle for me. He taught me how much dark your past would be, you can always change. He changes to be better than his past. He keeps on telling me that I am the reason why he is changing to be better than the past but deep inside my heart, I actually did not do anything, it was all on him, he was the one who learned the lesson, he was the one who determined to be better and to not repeat his past.
What I really wanted to say is, there are thousand girls out there, including you and me, trying to be the wonder woman of our fairytale, to save these stupid and coward men all around us, saying it is our responsibility to save them and to change them to be better. But for me, it is never be anyone's responsibility to change anyone in this world. Men who betrays their partner, women who betrays their partner, will never change for anyone, they will never stop breaking your hearts, until they realise by their own, that what they had been doing is wrong, until they wanted to change, they will never change for you. So, to the one who is reading this, do not be so stupid like I was in the past, it is never been cool for you to be in pain by someone who never appreciate your efforts to help and change them, it will never. Do not lead yourself to the cave of hell. Sometimes, you do not have to change someone to be a hero. Leave if you have too, because they will never change unless they want to.