Amigos, friends.
Friends would be someone that will treat you like a sister or a brother. Friends would be someone that will be there for you no matter what. Friends would be someone that will helps you getting through your worst day of your life. Friends are not just taking a good picture together and posted it on Instagram with a good caption. Friends are people who will be your back bone and would never leave you on any circumstances.
Back to few years ago, life taught me a big lesson about friendship. I finally knew how the real friendship are. I had been in a good and lovely friendship before. We were young and we created a lot of gracious memories that would be remembered by us in our last day of our lives. Everything was fine, I thought forever was ours, not until something happened that broke up all of us and this made me realised that I was in a toxic friendship.
You would never realised that you are actually in a toxic friendship because all we know that if you are hanging out together, posting pictures in Instagram, calling each other for hours is an ideal friendship but it is actually a wrong idea of friendship.
Real idea of friendship is you don't have to prove to everyone that you are friends by posting picture of you guys with a sweet caption, you don't have to call each other everyday, you don't have to talk everyday, all you have to do is be there when they need you.
I actually realised that I was in a toxic friendship because the friends that I had actually stabbing each other in behinds, talking bad about each other in behind and I never realised that it was so unhealthy. I was also in a toxic friendship because they actually seek for you to tell them everything when there are actually privacy even between your best friends. Most importantly, I was there for them in their worst yet none of them ever stay with me when I was in my worst except one person and that was proven that I was actually in a toxic friendship.
When you realised that you are in a toxic friendship, it is better for you to leave this circle because you are involving yourself in an unhealthy circle and always remember, it is fine to lose a friend and it is fine if you are not talking to anyone that you were close to before. Choose people to be in your circle wisely because it is easy to let people in to your circle but there is price to pay to cut people off from your circle.