how to deal with liars

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Lies- a very dangerous thing in this world. It will poison you, slowly.

Everyone had been lied before, at least once and it hurts when someone lied to you. It because you trusted them enough but they ended up lying to you.

I met a person, she lied to everyone about something and she never feels any guilty to do that to everyone. At first, I never realise that I got involved with someone unhealthy. What I had been thinking was that, if she could lie to everyone, she probably could lie to me in any circumstances, so I lost every trust on her and decided to cut her off from my life before I will be the victim of her lies.

What I really wanted to talk is leave the people who lied to you. Once they lied, they wouldn't stop, they will continue doing it as they are comfortable with the lies. Liars are people who comfortable with lies, they live in the lies, so they won't leave the lies, so you have to leave them first before you get hurts.

People always says, everyone deserves a second chance and I also hold on that but not in every circumstances. When people lied to you, there are no reason for you to stay, you have to go before their lies became yours and you became what they are. Leave before it is too late.

Being a liar is never a cool thing.

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