[chapter 4]

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[GUESS WHOS BACK BABY, i finally got my computer fixed now i can write! {p.s.a: the Ava's demon kickstarter was g o o d} ]

"wh-what if titan isn't s-so great" Odin asked "suppose paradise isn't even a r-real p-place, wh-what if he uses that tale t-to bait people like you into working for him" he added, Gil looked very offended "It's the GREATS honor to get into paradise alright?! after all my hard work... I'm going to live there IN BLISS, and the first thing I'll do when i get there is send you heathens enough photographic evidence of it to make you three sorry!" Gil said turning around in anger, You and Odin looked at each other in worry for Gil while Ava was staring at Maggie, after a few minutes Ava fell asleep on the ground, You felt a bit bad for letting Ava sleep on the ground so you put her head on your lap, to make her feel comfortable, she looked peaceful to you.

after that Odin also fell asleep, his head falling on your shoulder, you and Gil were the only ones awake that whole trip.

after two ours  you finally landed, the landing pressure almost made Ava fall from your lap but you caught her before that happened "sorry about that... bit of a rough landing... but we made it on time!" Gil said, trying to sound happy "rise and shine everyone! can't be late! we're on titans time you know..." he added, Odin finally woke up and stretched, "can someone please kill the lights? my head can't take this mood right now" Maggie said in a tired tone "that's the sunlight you idiot" you said answering her, Ava finally woke up and looked at you, "AHEM, yes well, anyway... Ava, Odin and y/n...do you think you two could wait by the guards outside? I'd like a moment to talk to Maggie... alone, please" Gil said, the three of you looked at each other and agreed, "c'mon... l-let's go" Odin sighed and stood up, you also stood up next to him while Ava was looking at Maggie "now then, Maggie...feeling alright?" you heard Gil say that as you, Ava and Odin exited the ship, "ugh...p-perfect, i didn't think there would be th-this many guards" Odin said in annoyance "huh?" you said confused "i thought we c-could make a run for it...maybe sneak out a c-cargo ship out here... but now-" "i almost forgot how spectacular this place is! it's even more marvelous beyond the gates, come along now, the guard don't bite!" Gil said cutting off Odin "listen m-maybe we can override the autopilot p-programming on this ship some how, we'll sneak b-back on board when Gill's  not looking and" Odin whispered to you but Maggie cut him off and ran between you both "Gil, wait up! i found something of yours!" she ran to Gil "did you drop this on the ship?" Maggie asked "my book! i was looking everywhere for this! thank you, it looks like it fell in the dirt..." Gil said looking at the book "eheheh h-how odd!" Maggie said but was caught off by the guard "what's the hold up? you have follower identification?" the guard said in a robot-like voice "y-yes! of... of course!" Gil answered looking through his bag "h-here! my follower's card! I'm joining the medical ranks today, Maggie here, is registering for follower training today, she'll be accompanying me to the enlistment center" Gil said while Maggie was blushing, the guard was looking at the id card "and those three?" the guard asked, looking at us "oh...er... th-those three are... misplaced, I'll be turning them over the refugee center" Gil answered, the guard staring at you was uncomfortable  so you scooted next to Odin more, for comfort "i... i have my enlistment forms if you need more proof" Gil said to the guard "straight to the refugee center, to the right of the  entrance, no sidetracking, we'll be watching you, Marverde" the guard said, marverde? is that Gills last name? you thought "right, thank you" Gil said in fear while he put his id card back in his bag "let's get a move on you three!!" Gil said to us, Odin looked at you and Ava "psst as soon as he t-turns away... w-we can get back on the ship and... lock the door... i think i know how to put custom coordinates and we can b-bail" Odin whisper, you nodded while Ava ignored him "ready? set-" as you were about to enter the ship, Ava ran off "okay y-yeah or just r-run into danger instead" Odin said which made you giggle, he rolled his eyes at you and smiled a bit, after that the three of you followed Gil and Maggie, Odin was looking around, you felt nervous so you held Odins hand, it made him freeze a bit but he stayed quite, you saw the blush dust off on his face which made you smile.

after a while you found yourself going to the refugee center, still holding Odins hand, you looked around looking at the followers "this place is huge!" you said looking around, you saw a girl with whole blue eyes holding a white rose, "this place looks intimidating" Ava said "it makes me feel...powerless" she added, you heard Gil call the three of you to come, which you did "so this is the refugee center" he said telling you the directions, Maggie looked mad at you and Ava for some reason "go on inside now! we don't want the guard arresting me for neglecting to turn you all in!" Gil said while shoving you three in side "oh! we don't?!" Odin said pissed off, after he finally got us in the door closed.

[well, imma end it here! ill upload  the next chapter as soon as possable!


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