[chapter 3]

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while you and Odin argued, he scoffed and saw Ava was going to leave, her grabbed her by the back of her shirt "woah h-hold up!" "put me down!" Ava yelled as Odin lifted her up by her shirt "what  was that about? your human right?" he asked "NO! i'm a dangerous alien and i'll claw your eyes out! now let me go!" Ava answered, Odin sighed "h-hang on..." he said leaving her on tree branch, you just watched "w-whats that thing on your chest?" he asked again "it's none of your business that's what!" Ava answered again trying to get down "l-let me just...take a picture and i-i'll let you down" Odin said pulling his phone out, taking a picture "h-hold still" after that Ava kicked the phone off his hand "what's your damage?!" he said angry "YOU KIDNAPPED MY FRIEND! DON'T THINK I'D FORGOTTEN" Ava replied "i s-s-SAVED your f-friend's LIFE" Odin said in self defense "well, you kidnapped her friend and didn't save us just so you could play hero and get her to like you." you said shrugging "th-th-that's not true!" "and then you were going to leave me to die on some deserted moon..." Ava said looking sad "y-you were going t-to knock me out with a wrench, and- and i was going t-to leave you here, on this planet! i was j-just trying to get rid of you...f-for my own safety i wasn't going to k-kill you" Odin said taking his phone from the ground "well...i have important business i need to take care of, so get me down and you'll never see me again!" Ava said kicking, you got up and lifted her down from the branch "thanks y/n..." she said sitting down looking to the opposite direction from you and Odin, you went back and sat down to the side of the fallen tree, Odin took his coat and gave it to Ava "h-here, its ripped o-on the back but the front is f-fine s-so...i mean...you n-need it more than i do, is what i'm s-saying...to c-cover whatever th-that thing is" he said smiling softly "thank you." Ava said wearing it, Odin sat next to you, taking his book, you saw Ava taking the ring looking at it, Odin noticed you and looked at Ava "h-having fun?" he said sarcastically "oh! sorry..." Ava apologized giving Odin his ring, he wore it on as a necklace "why don't you wear it normally?" you asked him "it doesn't fit me, b-besides why do you care?" he asked looking at you "jeez, i was just asking...sorry.." you said looking away, "Odin, I've been wonderin' something since i met you, how is it that i never saw you in class? were you held back a grade or something?" Ava asked "no.. i just skipped class a lot. i'm 16" he answered ' you don't look 16.." Ava commented "heh, y-yeah? well neither are you both" he said " that's because i'm not 16, i'm 15 and y/n is 17, she was held back a grade" "y-you  look 12" Odin said opening his book, "i don't have time for this, i'm done being ridiculed, I've got a super important things to take care of...and they don't include arguing with old nerds like you" Ava said getting up "i'm sure there's shipyard somewhere on this planet" she said to herself "h-hey! wait! you know this place has m-miles of dense forests right? v-very few live here, even a 'd-dangerous alien' like like you will die trying to find a port on the other side of them" Odin said "yeah? well you know what else i am besides a dangerous alien? i'm Ava,  Ava Ire, and I CAN'T DIE got it pal?!" she said, angry "...y-yeah...i got it, your face s-says it all." Odin replied "my face?" Ava said putting her hand on her cheek "whatever..just...if you both see Maggie again...tell her i said goodbye...and to hang Odin on a high branch" she said walking away "h-hey Ava!" Odin said getting up "what now?!" Ava said mad "d-did you always know Maggie could do that?" he asked "DO what?" "the branch th-thing...w-with her arms, i th-thought maybe sh-she had confided in you ow she does that exactly?" Odin asked "no...she didn't, i never knew she could do that, that was the first time I've seen it happen, actually...i guess...i guess she's not as human as i thought she was" Ava said, while you were getting up, you saw Gil running to all of you "THERE you both are!!" he  got  to all of you panting "sorry...i'm a bit out of sorts hahah, you're quite the escape artist, Ava. i was afraid you had disappeared completely" Gil said laughing a bit "sorry, i..uh..needed air?" Ava said, you and Odin looking at her "i must be frank with you three, i can't wait around here any longer" he said giving you and Odin both of you shoes "i am extremely late for a previous engagement...and i need to leave immediately" Gil said "g-good, you can take us t-to my home planet, and we'll be out of your hair" Odin said "i...i'm sorry?" Gil asked confused "y-you have a ship, right? my planet is n-not too far from here you can drop us off, c-can you?" Odin asked "i'm sorry but i don't think I've quite gotten your name" Gil asked "i-it's Odin" he replied "oh! yes, Odin, well my name's Gil" after that it was a minute of awkward silence "y-yes well about the ship...i know you'd like to go home, but we'll be going straight to titan's headquarters, they lent me is only programmed to fly there and back" Gil said breaking the silence, you were wearing your shoe "t-titan?" Odin asked "yes...i'm a follower of titan" Gil replied "oh, you're o-one of titans cult, that explains a lot..." Odin said wearing his shoes "excuse me?" Gil said offended "w-wait, Gil i have a question...when you say titan, you mean the big guy with a helmet and sword, the actual titan? his headquarters, right?" Ava asked "yes, that's correct" Gil answered "great, i'm going with you!" Ava said, "me too please" you said "what? to a c-cult meeting?" Odin said almost choking with his smoke "excellent! let's go! no time to waste now" Gil said running to a ship, you and Ava followed him "u-uhm, is Maggie okay?" Ava asked "sleepy but yes...she's on the ship already, she asked to travel with me after explaining what happened to your planet" Gil answered, Odin stood there shocked and angry at you and Ava "Odin? coming with us?" Gil asked, Odin looked at his phone angry "y-yeah, i guess i'm coming.." he said "excellent!"  i'm sure they have a real sh-ship service i could go home on" Odin said following all you Gil and Ava "or perhaps instead, titan can help you find your way onto a righteous path and-" "SPARE me?" Odin said cutting Gil off, Gil looked at you and Ava "feeling better?" Gil asked you nodded and Ava said yes.

 you looked back to see Odin following you slowly, you slowed down to get next to him "why are you mad about this?" you asked "i-its none of you business" he said scoffing "ehh, i just wanted to ask, you don't have to be mean about it" you said looking at him "sorry i'm j-just in a bad mood...i'm angry because i-i can't go home with out my ship.." he replied "...is your home nice?" you asked "it is, mush b-better than this planet" he answered, "drat, i left my back back at the house, you three make yourselves comfortable, i'll be back in a second, Maggie might be awake if you want to go check" Gil said stopping at the door of the ship, Ava was the first to get in, she was looking for Maggie, Odin was looking at a picture with words see titan, hear titan, speak titan, he scoffed at the picture, you looked around reading the pictures, "this ship is not that bad, huh.." you whispered to yourself, you went in to see Ava looking in Maggie's shirt, you blushed at the sight, Odin went next to you clearing his throat, which you jump "a-am i...i-in-interrupting anything?" he asked "I-IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE" Ava said quickly which made you laugh "i-is that what those gl-glasses are for? x-ray glasses?" and he went closer to Ava whispering "f-for looking under peoples clothes?" after you heard that you laughed loudly sitting on the ground, Ava put her hands on her mouth, her face turning red.

"where in the universe did i put this book?" you heard Gil say as he went in the ship, you got up from the ground and sat next to Ava "no matter, i suppose i can get a new one eventually, everyone ready to go? i know i am" Gil said, you heard a gulp from Ava and saw smoke coming out of her mouth "I've been waiting for this day for years!" Gil said happily " everyone sit tight if you can, it'll be a few hour before we reach the H.Q" Gil said starting the ship "hey Gil, i have a question...about where titan lives, you said that titan doesn't live at this headquarters, correct?" Ava asked "yes, that's right" Gil replied "so where DOES he live?" she asked "why paradise, of course" Gil answered "oh! 'paradise'?  so...so you've been there?" Ava asked the 3rd question "oh!  hahah, no I've never seen it myself, only the elite followers can go there, that one with the highest status i mean, the true location of it is revealed ONLY to them by titan, once they get into paradise, they live there forever!" Gil answered "and?" "and...? and what?" Gil asked "do they ever leave paradise?" you asked "why would they want to leave? no one leaves paradise, what a stupid question" Gil answered you " i though at least one of them leaves to tell the other followers about it or something, you know...i guess you don't know if it exists?" you laughed nervously "of course it exists! everyone knows it exists!" he replied "y-you just said 'you've never seen it' and 'no one leaves'...how would anyone know i-it exists?" Odin asked "it's...it's the greatest honor to be invited there, i assure you" Gil answered Odin, "Gil...you really like titan, huh?"Ava said "of course i do! what is this? some sort of interrogation?" Gil said angry "Gil...what if...what if titan...what if titan..i mean...well hypothetically speaking...what if..." "what if what?" Gil asked, annoyed "nng...sorry...i guess i lost my train of thoughts" Ava said rubbing her head nervously "wh-what if titan isn't s-so great?" Odin asked

[another cliff hanger;-; sorry! i update the next chapter as soon as possible


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