Chapter 3 | Heartbroken

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Ladybug's POV

I was on my way to see Cat Noir, we had patrol, and I almost forgot! Again..

"Hey kitty" I smiled as I sat down next to him.

He was just smiling, he wasn't agnolaging I was next to him.

"Cat?" I frowned.

"Oh sorry Ladybug." He looked at me.

I glared at him, he called me ladybyg not M'lady or Bugaboo or LB. Just my stupid hero name.

"What are you so happy about?" I finally asked him.

He looked at me and smiled, "The girl I like.. In civilian form.. Likes me back.."

At that Momment my heart shattered. I know I should be happy.. And.. I don't even like him.. Right?

I could barley breathe, "O-oh" I looked down and smiled, "That's cool."

He didn't notice I was sad, he just continued gazing at the moon.

I got up and walked away, he wouldn't even notice.

And I was right. He didn't.

Marinette's House

Marinette's POV

"Spots off"

Tikki flew out of my earing, I gave her a macaroon and then ran to my bed and lied down.

"Marinette, he has been in love with you since.. You guys first started fighting." She frowned.

"I- I- know- But- I always- l-liked him- but I h-hid it- because I'm a super-h-hero" I sobbed. I burrowed my pillow in my face, I wanted to die right there. And also kill that girl.

Tikki sighed. She flew over to me.

"Listen mari, I know who that girl is.. And I don't think.. You should be mad.."

I sat up and glared at her, "Tell me who this brat is. Now."

Tikki rolled her eyes.

"I can't, you will know who Cat Noir is then."

"How? It's not like it's me?"

Tikki rolled her eyes.

"I-is it?"

She slightly nodded.

"But- when I'm Marinette- I only like- adrien?" I figited with my fingers, "Cat Noir can't be adrien, adrien cares about people more.. B-but-"


I sighed, "Great-"

"Tikki, spots on"

Cat Noir's POV

I was gazing too much at the moon that when I heard a Boom I actully got really scared.

"Okay Ladyb-" I turned to my right to see she was gone.

I shrugged, "Whatever" I expanded my stick to go chase the Villian.

I soon saw ladybug, it looked like she was crying.

"What's wrong Ladybu-"

She glared at me, "Ladybug? No nicknames anymore huh?"

I glared at her with a confused look on my face. "What?"

She shook her head and leaped away.

The rest of the battle was a blur, she didn't even talk to me once, and pound it? Ha, yeah that didn't happen.

Instead after the fight she took of into an ally. I wanted to talk to her.. So I followed her.

I hid behind a wall realizing she might detransform. She didn't.

Instead she sat down and cried. I looked up at the sky.

"Shoot" I mumbled.

I walked away leaving her alone. She broke my heart many times, it was her turn I guess.

Adrien's POV

"Claws in"

I layed on my bed, why was ladybyg crying.. That was all I could think about.

"Your an idiot" Plagg flew over to me.

"What?" I mumbled.

"You made ladybyg cry! Your so stupid." He shook us head.  "I'm leaving to go visit her, I hope she okay."

I glared at him, "How did I make her cry?"

As he was about to fly out of the window he paused. "She liked you, she hid it because she couldn't date you, you guys are superheros, you also ignored her today, you didn't even notice she left in tears"

I gasped, "What?"

"Adrien, she liked you, in civilian, that's why she didn't wanna date you, but once you said the girl I like like some back!!"

I bit my lip. I did hurt her.

He continued talking though, "She has had a crush on you as adrien for a year! You have caused her so much pain, but she still likes you! God she even told you that today!" He paused, "Tikki.. Is.. Gonna.. Kill.. Me.."

I galred at him with confusion once again. Then it hit me.

"Marinette confessed to me today.. So.. ladybug is Marinette!?"

Plagg sighed, he then flew out of my room to see ladybug, or.. Ahem.. Marinette.

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