Chapter 4 | YOU

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Marinette's House

Plagg's POV

I left adrien and was on my way to see Marinette, I felt bad.

"Marinette!" I yelled as I flew through her wall into her room.

She was sketching, it looked like she was crying.

"Mari, are you okay?" I flew over to her  and sat on her desk.

She looked up and have me a weak smile, "Plagg what are you doing here?"

Tikki flew over, "does adrien feel bad yet-"

We both froze.

Marinette fell back out of her chair.

"ADRIEN IS CAT NOIR! " She yelled.

"Not so loud Marinette" Tikki flew over to her.

"Yes.. He.. Is.." I studdered

"Oh my God." she faceplamed.

I flew up to her also. "You okay?"

Tikki looked around Marinette's room.

"Well.. Umm.." Tikki finally said.

"That idiot." Marinette mumbled under her breathe.

The next day at school

Nodody's POV

It was the next day at school and Marinette and Alya were chatting by the entrence.

That was until Adrien Pulled up.

Marinette glared at him and made a semi-evil laugh.

She stomped over to him.

"YOU" She yelled as she pointed to him.

Adrien rolled his eyes, "Well, well, well look what the cat dragged in!" He looked sat her up in down.

Now everyone outside was staring at them.

"You broke my heart!" Marinette finally said.

"I DID!?" Adrien rolled his eyes, "I liked you for a YEAR! And YOU always said you loved another boy! That's when I THOUGHT I moved on to someone else. He paused." BUT IT WAS JUST YOUR CIVILIAN FORM! "

Marinette bit her lip then crossed her arms," WELL I liked YOU in civilian for a year! And secretly had feeling for YOUR superhero form!"

Adrien chuckled under his breathe and moved closer to her. "So we're just gonna reveal it in front of everyone huh?" He smirked.

She got closer to him, "Oh yes I will Cat."

Everyone was super confused.

"Well well LADYBUG! I guess we're even HUH!?" Adrien backed away and smirked, he crossed his arms.

"Oh yeah CAT NOIR I guess we are!" She also backed away and crossed her arms.

Alya opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. The whole school was speachless.

Adrien got real close to Marinette, "Listen here bug, If you talk back to me again I will punish you"

Marinette bit her lip, "oh yeah? I would like to see you Try Cat"

They were mad at eachother, but still loved eachother, and it was obvious.

"YOU GUYS ARE CAT NOIR AND LADYBUG!" Yelled some random student.

A bunch of kids murmured.


Adrien smirked.

Marinette looked at adrien.

"What's so funn-"

She got cut of by Adrien cupping her cheeks and kissing her, it didn't take long for her to kiss back.

"NO" Chloe shouted from the top of the stairs.

They broke the kiss. Marinette glared at him, "I'm still mad at you idiot."

He smiled, "But I'm your idiot bugaboo"

"I hate you so fricking much." She smiled.

"Hate ya too buagoo!" He smirked.

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