Chapter 6 | Flirting

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BEFORE YOU READ! This chapter will have a.. Naughty word, and will be talking about.. Bad ships. Warning ;}

Alya's House

Nodody's POV

The Teens were now at Alya's apartment. Sitting on the floor waiting for Alya to come back. She was getting a hat and some paper.

"I'm back" Alya shouted as she walked over to her friends.

"What did you get Als?" Marinette questioned her best friend as she leaned back

"A Hat and paper." Alya replied as she waved the hat in the air.

"Okay.. Soo.. Who's going first?" Nino looked around the circle.

Alya was trying to hide her smirk by looking down.

"I guess I will?" Adrien finally said, he reached for a paper in the hat.

"Go up to your partner turn them on" Adrien groaned at alya, "Really alya!?"

Alya laughed, "You sound like Marinette."

Nino chuckled under his breathe.

"Okay cat, are you gonna do it or what?" Marinette looked at Adrien with a small smirk.

Adrien put on his Cat Noir smirk and Leaned towards Marinette.

"Hey purrincesss" He purred in her ear.

Marinette rolled her eyes with a small smile, "Hello"

"I'm a bit hungry."

Marinette didn't know we're he was going with this so she responded like a clueless child, "What do you want to eat then?" She asked him with a questioning tone.

Adrien chuckled.

"How about you lemme taste your pussy cat? huh bugaboo?"

Alya and Nino both heard and froze. Alya covered her mouth and Nino made a peace sign and looked away.

Marinette froze and blushed, she felt herself getting wet. "Fuuuuuuccckkk"

Adrien backed away with a a big smirk in his face.

Marinette covered her face that was very red.

Alya laughed a little, "If you said that to her last semester, she would of broke."

Adrien bit his lip and replied, "She was just a friend last semester.. Welllllll... That's what you all thought at least."

Nino glared at him, "You caused pain for what!?"

Adrien shrugged and looked at Marinette. "Mari, you okay?"

Marinette uncovered her face, "hahahahaha....."

Alya looked at her up and down and then gasped, "OHHHHH danggggg"

Nino and Adrien both looked at her with slight confusion.

"She's wet adrien, good Job" Alya smirked and clapped.

Nino covered his mouth and made a playful, "And I oop" Noise.

Adrien smirked. "Ohhhh heh"

Marinette shook her head, "okay let's continue."

She reached for the hat and pulled out a slip of paper.

"What is the worst lie you have ever told someone?" Marinette sighed if releif. "Phew, a truth"

"Well what is it Mari?" Alya asked her best friend.

Marinette sat for a second before answering, "Probaly to my kwami, telling her I didn't like Cat Noir."

Adrien sighed.

"SO YOU DIDDDDD!" Tikki flew out of Marinette's purse, "I knew it, I know you too well"

Alya and Nino both stared at the small red-pocadotted kwami. They both knew what a kwmai was, they just never expected one to be so cute.

"haha, very funny" Marinette rolled her eyes, "WHY don't  you continue on making out with plagg?"

Adrien eyes grew wide, his shockness soon faded into a smirk.

If it was even possible, Tikki's cheeks grew redder.

"WE WERE NOT MAKING OUT!" plagg yelled from Marinette's bag.

"Then why are you in my bag plagg?" Marinette bit her lip and smirked.

Alya laughed and so did Nino.

"Uhhhhhh... Shoot, tikki we got caught." Plagg admitted.

"PLAGG!" Tikki shouted with enberessment, "You could of made up something!"

Plagg shrugged, but nodody saw it, "We were gonna get caught sooner or later su-tikki!"

"What were you gonna call her?" Adrien asked his kwami who was still hidden.

"Shut up adrien." Plagg mumbled as he took a bight of cheese.

The 4 teens laughed, tikki still embarrassed.

Hours passed by the 4 playing games, soon it was time for bed.

"Okay guys, we're we sleeping?" Alya asked.

Nino looked at her, "I dunno, but I know that I'm sleeping with you Als, and marinette is sleeping with adrien."

Alya smirked.

Adrien looked at alya with a Grossed face, "Let's not reverse the ships here."

Marinette looked at her boyfriend, "I mean, we could always swap it, I sleep with alya and you sleep with nin-"

"NO" Adrien and Nino both shouted at the same time.

Alya laughed.

"Or Marinette and Nino and Adrien and I."

She secretly wanted to puke, but wanted to emberess her friends more.

Marinette, Nino, and Adrien all shouted at alya at the exact same time, "NO!!!"

Alya shrugged, "I have seen it on Pinterest.. it's scary."

Marinette made a barfing sound, "Never show me them"

Nino nodded, "yeah.."

Adrien looked away holding his mouth in discust.

Alya smirked, "I saw Kim and Mari-"

"NO WAY EW EW EW!!" Marinette shouted.

Alya talked in a small ranting voice, "Luka and Adrien.. Nathenial and Adrien.. Luka and Marinette.. Kagami and Marinette.. Kagami and Adrien.. Lila and Adrien.."

All three of Alya's friends shouted multiple things all at the same time.

"NO ALYA OMG!" Marinette skreched.

"HECK NO!" Nino groaned.

Adrien glared at the floor, "Luka and Marinette... Nathenial and Marinette.. HUH?"

Marinette and Alya both laughed.

"Let's get to bed." alya finally said.

"Okay" They all responded back.

Thats the bed of the story, hope you enjoyed peeps.

Wanna read more stuff? Look up: Brianna's Miraculous Stories on YouTube.

(It's my channel lmao)

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