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It was eight on a Friday night, and I couldn't think of what to wear. Most of my clothes had paint stains, and I didn't have much in casual clothes. I finally decided to wear a sweater to cover my paint-stained shirt. I looked outside my room door and saw that the house was dark and quiet. I quickly closed my room door and locked it. I never asked grandfather, so I was going to sneak out. I was terrified of the idea, but I was going to suck it up.

I walked over to my window and opened it quietly, looking down at the ground. I planned to climb down from the vine bush that had grown on the side of my bedroom. "You got this Feli!" I said quietly. I grabbed onto the vine and lifted my body outside of the window. Once I held onto the branch for dear life, I started to laugh out of excitement. "Hey! This isn't so bad," I whispered. However, I spoke too soon. The branch holding one of my feet broke, and I fell off the vine branches.

Once I hit the ground, I held onto my head in pain. "Ow... I hope no one heard that," I said crying. That hurt a lot.  I quickly wiped my tears and started to get out my phone for me to walk toward the house. I was very excited about going so I didn't want to waste any time crying.

I looked at the time and saw it was already eight fifty-five. Luckily, the house was only a fifteen-minute walk, so I don't mind. I dusted off my jeans and started to walk in the direction it was in.

Once I arrived outside the house, it was already almost nine-thirty. I guess I took really long walk. I saw a few cars outside, so I assumed everyone was already there. I walked into the front doorstep and started to knock on it. Having waited a few seconds, the door finally opened. "Oh hey!! You have another friend here," a guy said.

He was albino, I had never seen someone like that in person before. He was gorgeous to look at. He stared at me for a second before turning away from my gaze. "Oh, hello Feli, we were wondering when you would show." Ludwig came. He pulled me inside, past that guy, and started to walk with me. "Excuse me? Aren't you going to introduce us?" The guy said, stopping Ludwig. "Oh.... sure... Feliciano, this is my big brother Gilbert."

"Nice to meet you.." I said with a smile. "Likewise..." he answered. Ludwig then pulled me into a room, and there was everyone. "Hey, Feli!!" Everyone cheered. Alfred pulled me away from Ludwig and placed me in front of someone. "This is my brother Mattie. Both of us grew up with Arthur and are super close." He explained. "Hello," he said quietly.

I saw all the food on the table and felt my stomach growl. I'm sure they won't mind if I take something to eat. "Thank god you finally came; Ludwig wouldn't shut up about you," Francis spoke, putting an arm around me. Arthur suddenly hit him in the back of the head "that's not your place to be saying." He glared.

"It's true, Ludwig was all like... oh no, what if he is dead? I should save him," Francis joked, mimicking Ludwig's voice. "Hey!! I did not," Ludwig said, getting defensive. "Haha, it's alright; I think that's really sweet of him," I smiled.

"Ohhh? Do you hear that, Ludwig? That was sweet of you," Francis smiled. I looked over to Ludwig, whose face was extremely red as blood. Oh my god!! Is he okay? He looks like he is about to explode. "Shut up already!" Arthur said, smacking Francis. "Can I use your restroom?" I asked. "Yes, it's down the hall," Ludwig pointed.

I nodded at what he said and quickly left the room. My heart wouldn't stop beating so fast, and I needed to step out for a second. As I walked down the hall, I saw Gilbert there. He was placing books back on the bookshelf they had. "Oh, hello, are you enjoying yourself?" He asked. I stopped in my tracks and looked him in the eyes. "Yeah, I haven't had so many people around me like this before, and it's a little overwhelming."

"Oh? You don't have many friends?"
"No.... but I guess it's changed now," I said, breathing out. "Hey, if you need to get away for a bit, you can always join me upstairs." He explained. My eyes widened, and I smiled. "That's very nice of you! Thank you! Maybe I will take you up on that."

It suddenly grew silent as my hand rested on the restroom door. "Are you a senior too?" He asked. "Yes, I'm 17," I answered. He smiled at me and nodded "that's nice; I'm 18, only a year older than Ludwig." I got a sudden awkward feeling, and I decided to turn away from his gaze. "Are you with anyone?" He asked.

"No, I've never been one to date," I laughed. I turned back around and laughed nervously. I placed my hand on the back of my head and slowly dropped my smile, which was too awkward to keep up.

"I see.... well, I'll leave you be," he laughed, turning away. I nodded at what he said and quickly entered the restroom. However, when I saw my face in the mirror, it was painted a deep shade of red. Why am I so embarrassed right now? I started to slap my cheeks and throw some cold water on my face. This whole thing was harder than I thought it would be, but hopefully, it will get easier for me to talk more naturally to people.

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