Chapter 16

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Laying on the soft bed, I soon felt a chilly sensation upon my face. My brown eyes fluttered open, only to find myself gazing up at Logan. His fingers were softly grazing my cheek, explaining the chill that I felt, while he smiled down upon me. Just waking up to see him, made my very heart race within my chest.

"You finally woke."

"How long?" Asking softly, I gently pushed myself to sit up on his bed.

"You were asleep for two days." He whispered, before leaning in and gently kissing my cheek. "Your body needs nourishment Damien."

Watching him stand up he walked to a small table in his room, before returning to his bedside where he placed a tray of food over my lap. "Logan, thank you." Smiling up at him, my stomach growled in hunger as I stared down at the food. He didn't need to tell me twice, as I was already reaching for the food and began to eat.

As I ate I looked to my incredibly handsome vampire mate, only to see him eyeing my every move closely. However in a way he looked off? Was he weaker? Smiling as I realized what he needed.

Motioning him closer to me before tilting my head for him to eye my neck. "Logan, you need to feed as well. Please my mate." My cheeks flushed faintly, as I watched him lean in closer before running his lips along my neck.

"Damien." He whispered out in a sexy deep growl, before he sunk his fangs into my neck causing a gasp to escape my lips.

"L-logan." Whispering his name, my head fell to the side giving him more room to feed off me better. Fuck did I love this sensation. Originally I thought this would hurt, that it would make me feel pain. However I was wrong, to have him feed off of me, it just feels so amazing. It feels erotic almost in a way. My eyes fell closed, while I breathed out a little heavier than usual.

"You taste so sweet." Logan whispered softly, once he removed his fangs from my neck. I felt him lick up any blood on my skin, as I sighed softly. "Damien, I wish to feed off no other but you."

Hearing him say this, I pulled away and huffed out. "Logan if you ever feed from another. I will not speak with you, or even look at you for an entire week!" I glared at him, being completely serious with my threat. "I don't want you ever feeding off any other anymore, besides me!" My arms crossed in a huffy manner, while my red bangs fell across my face.

Logan watched my reaction to the very thought of him tasting another, as he smiled and nodded his head. "You will be the only one my fangs touch. Damien you can trust me on this." Hearing this calmed my worry, as I nodded slowly. "Now eat up."

Smiling as Logan moved a hand to my hair, he gently pushed it back away from my face. Frost however formed in my red locks making me chuckle softly. "Mm ok." My hand was already reaching for the food, as I started to eat once more.

When I was finished eating, I glanced at my watch, and saw that the sun would be setting in less than two hours. A thought entered my head, as I wanted to get something for Logan as a surprise for him. Looking to my mate, I saw just how tired he truly looked.

"While I was asleep, you didn't sleep once. Did you Logan?"

He shook his head, answering me as he then spoke. "No, I needed to be here to watch over you." He looked so drained of energy, even after feeding off of me.

"I want you to rest and sleep now Logan." I whispered to him, as I pushed his form to lay down upon the bed. He did as I asked, and stared up at me tiredly. "Would you be ok, if I went for a walk in the woods with Blayze and Xavier? We won't go far, I promise. I just need to stretch my legs, after sleeping for so long."

"I can accompany you Damien."

He went to sit up, as I shook my head pushing him back down with my hand. "No, you must sleep. I promise we won't do anything reckless. Then I will return straight back to your side."

I could tell by the look in his frosty eyes, that he didn't want me going without him, but he nodded his head non the less. "Tell Blayze if he lets any harm come to you, I will freeze his balls off."

Leaning in with a chuckle at my mates threat, I kissed his tired lips nodding. "Will do. Now sleep well, my handsome mate."

And with that I left his room, only after grabbing one of his hoodies to wear for warmth. Plus it made me feel connected to Logan, as they smelt like him.

Making my way downstairs, I saw his four cousins sitting there in the living room. Blayze looked bored out of his mind, as I grinned knowing he would definitely be up for this. I knew I couldn't take Hayden or Drake with me, they would never allow this to happen. Glancing over at Xavier, I saw him already staring at me. Figures as much. He read my thoughts already, and his eyes clearly showed concern.

"Well look who is finally awake. Where is Logan?" Hayden asked, while Blayze looked this way and grinned seeing me.

"He is sleeping in his room. He never rested once while I was asleep." I then grinned back at Blayze, giving him that 'lets cause trouble' look. "Blayze, Xavier." Smiling at the two of them, I tried to sound as innocent as I possibly could. "Let's go for a walk huh? Logan said it was ok to."

Drake looked at us. "Logan is letting his newly bonded mate, go wander off without him?" Disbelief was clearly heard in his words. I understood where he was coming from, even right now I felt it hard to leave Logan's side. But I needed to do this.

Glancing to Drake I nodded my head, causing my red hair to fall over my face. "Yes, only because I told him Blayze would be there with me for protection. Oh, and Blayze." Smirking like mad at him, I gave him Logan's threat. "Logan wanted me to warn you, that he will freeze your balls right off, if you were to let any harm come to me."

A deep chuckle left Blayze's lips. "He would threaten me with that." He stood up stretching his arms up over his head. "I'm in, this place is fucking boring as hell. Come on Xavier, we can all cause some mischief in the depth of the forest."

Walking towards the entrance, I followed him as Xavier looked ready to protest. However I gave him a look that clearly stated, 'keep quiet, until we are out of earshot'.

Though in the end he nodded in defeat as he glanced to Hazel, who looked ready to follow him. "Hazel stay here and rest. You were up all day playing." He smiled at his fluffy orange and white pet as he watched her stretch and yawn. Before jumping up onto Hayden's lap, instantly curling up and purring happily as his cousin petted her softly.

As the three of us walked further into the trees, Xavier finally spoke up his concern. "We can not do this Damien."

"Can so." Grinning at him, I only kept on walking.

"Do what exactly?" Blayze asked knowing he was missing something. He kept himself busy however, as he kept lighting a ball of fire in the palm of his hand.

"Damien wants us to take him to Havenbrook, so he can buy a gift for Logan." Xavier huffed. "Hunters will be there Damien, we can't! If they caught you, Logan will kill us both."

A deep smirk danced on Blayze's face hearing this. "Fuck I love this plan, we could even find ourselves a little snack to share little brother."

"Blayze!" The youngest vampire gasped out.

"Xavier please. I just want to do something romantic for my mate. Look, the city will still be active with people. Hunters wouldn't dare do anything in a public place would they? The sun will still be up just long enough for me to sneak into a shop, then buy something. Then before you know it, we can leave. You two can find a snack as you say, and then we can return to my mate."

Blayze looked to his brother and shrugged. "He is right Xavier. The Hunters wouldn't want to give themselves away, not in front of the humans who know nothing about us or them. Though if you get into trouble Damien, you must scream for us. As you said, the sun will be setting very soon. Yell for us, and I will instantly come to your aid. Can't have that cousin of mine, freezing off my manly jewels."

"Yeah, I will." I mumbled to myself, as I chuckle at the end of Blayze's comment.

Soon the three of us stood at the edge of the forest. The sun was indeed lower to the mountains now, but I still had plenty of time to find a gift. I mean shops still remain opened, even after the sun has set. Pulling the hood of Logan's sweater up over my flaming red hair, I glanced at the others. "Don't worry, I won't be long."

Grinning at them, I rushed out of the trees and into the sun, that was slowly lowering in the sky.


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