Chapter 21

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Mira's POV
"Hey" someone said quietly from behind me. Being the clique girl I am, I decided to eat lunch alone in the library. I looked over and saw Jay sitting down next to me.
"What do you want" I said harshly.
"Are you ok?"
"Why would you care."
"Because I actually like you. You should feel honored actually." Jay said jokingly. I wasn't in the mood so I stayed quiet. We sat there in silence for a little bit before Jay broke it.
"You wanna tell me why you're eating alone in the library and why you got angry this morning?"
"I'm eating alone because I have no friends."
"What about Rina."
"I'm not friends with fake bitches." I said sarcastically.
"Is that why you got so mad this morning?"
"You wanna tell me what happened." I told him everything thing that happened. Somewhere during the beginning of my story, I started tearing and Jay hugged me.
"I know I'm being stupid and overreacting but she was my only friend and she ditched me to hang out with stiffs."
"Did you just reference Divergent?" Jay asked. I hit him in the chest and slightly laughed.
"I'm sitting here crying and that's what you notice."
"Well ya i mean that's one of the best books ever." He said as if I were stupid.
"Oh so the bad boy of the school also reads?"
"Tell anyone and I will throw you in the dumpster." He attempted to threaten but instead just ended up laughing.
"So is that why you have a sudden new choice of clothing?"
"Yup. I don't know exactly what my reasoning is but I wanna show her I don't need her. And she basically called me a 'bad girl' so I figured why not make it true."
"Sounds good how can I help?" I looked up at him in surprise.
"You wanna help me?"
"Ya of course." He smiled down at me. I smiled right back.
"Oh and one more question." Jay said.
"Yes?" Suddenly, he seemed really nervous.
"This may not be the best timing. But I was um wondering is you would possibly wanna uh maybe go on a date with me?"
I stared at him with wide eyes.
"It ok if you don't wanna go I mean-"
"No I'd love to go!" I grinned so widely I probably looked like a madwoman. It's probably really obvious but I've had a crush on Jay ever since I've met him.
"Really? That's great!" He looked as happy as me. Then, I got a great idea.
"On one condition. You help me with my new look and make Rina jealous. And you can't tell anyone, especially Jacob."
"I already said I'd help."
"Oh and you have to help me get back at Jacob. I do love my new hair, but he can't get away with that. Or were you the one who gave me the pink streak?" I accused him playfully. Apparently, he took it seriously though.
"I uh might've known about it but I didn't take part in it I swear." He said quickly. I laughed.
"I was just teasing. Thank you for making me feel better and for listening to my stupid story."

"Well look who it is. Mrs snappy pants." Jacob said as I passed him in the parking lot.
"Not now Jacob."
"Where are you going? You're ride to the mall is right here." He gestured towards his car. I kept walking but heard him following me.
"I told you I don't need you. I've got a new ride."
"Oh really who? This morning you were blaming me because you had no friends." I stopped and walked over to him and decided to start my bad girl acting. Let's see how badly this will fail. I leaned in close and puffed my chest out. I felt like a slut but whatever.
"Well you see I don't need friends. Your prank gave me a new idea." I tried my best to sound seductive but I don't know how convincing it was.
"And what is that?" He struggled to say.
"Being a good girl is way to boring." I winked and walked away. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw him stare at me with wide eyes. Mission accomplished. I saw Jay watching me a few feet away and walked over to him.
"Very well but I don't appreciate my date flirting with other boys."
"Oh get over yourself." I scoffed. I got onto his bike and we drove away from the school.
We were now at the mall and Jay was helping me find some cloths that fit my new style but still incorporated my old style.
"Black or brown leather jacket?" I asked.
"Both." Jay responses.
"I don't have enough money for all these cloths you're picking out. I swear, you shop more then a girl does."
"What do you mean, I'm paying for half." He ignored what I said about his shopping.
"No you're not."
"Yes I am."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because I told you I'd help with your ridiculous plan."
"That didn't mean you have to pay for my cloths."
"Too bad I am." I blushed and tried to discreetly put some of the cloths back. This store was expensive and I didn't know Jay well enough to have him pay for this.
"What are you doing? I saw that." He picked up the cloths that I tried to put down.
"If you insist on paying for half of this then I'm going to buy less."
"No you're not."
"Ugggg fine."
We bought the cloths and left. At the end of the day, I had a light brown and black leather jacket, some new combat boots, a couple skirts, dark jeans, and new shirts. We were getting in the car when Jay brought up our date.
"So I was thinking we could go on our date on Friday maybe?" He said.
"Ya sure." It was Wednesday so I was excited.
"Where are we going?"
"No it's not. I hate surprises and its to clique for me. If you try to keep it a surprise then I'm gonna punch you in the face." I wasn't even kidding.
"Oh looks like someone's practicing being tough." He said sarcastically.
"I'm not practicing I'm really like this. Only people I feel close to or I really hate get to see this see this side of me."
"Oh and under which category do I fall under?" I pretended to think.
"Hmm it's undecided."
"How kind of you."
"You're welcome." We pulled into my driveway and I was about to get out when I had a brilliant idea.
"You wanna come inside?" I asked Jay with and evil smile.
"Help me get back at Jacob."

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