Chapter 10

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"Haha, I win!" I cheered, pumping my arms up in the air.

"Yeah, you won because you got a head start." Louis grumbled.

"It's okay, maybe you get it next time." I said, smugly.

"Yeah, yeah."

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked him.

"Well, I don't know you properly so......Tell me about yourself." He said putting his hands on his lap.

"Well there's nothing interesting about me."

"Nonsense! Can't say there's nothing." My lips were in a straight line, until I spoke,

"Ok fine. Well, I'm Harry Edward Styles. I'm nineteen years old and my birthday's on February first and I'm gay." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

"So, Hazzy-"

"Don't call me that."

"Anyways, Hazzy, what play icebreaker?"

"Um-sure, I guess."

"Favourite colour?"

"Blue. Yours?"

"Green, 'cause it's there colour of your eyes."

"Don't flirty with me, Tomlinson."

"Sorry, sorry. Your turn to think of a question."

This guy was really getting to me now.  Not just his appearance but his personality as well. He's kind , funny, caring, sweet, confiden-

"Oi! Hazzy. Have you thought of a question yet?" I snapped out of my day-dream and looked at him.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Then ask away." He grinned.

"Have you had your first kiss yet?"

Everything was silent for a moment until he spoke up.

"Yeah, I have. But I didn't actually like it. I didn't feel the after effect. I thought you'd be all excited and happy but apparently, not me. What about you?"

"I haven't." He gapped at me.

"What?" I spoke.

"N-nothing." I blinked at him a few times. I wish I could read his mind.

"Well, we should probably get back. Your Mum did tell us to get back before seven, right?" He asked, standing up from the bench.

"Right." I answered.

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