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July 4th

We got into a fight the week before this one.

I'd invited you over to my home for my dad's annual Fourth of July celebration but you made it clear that meeting my dad was something you didn't want to do.

"I'm not meeting that fucking asshole, he puts his hands on you." Was what you said.

I understood perfectly. But he was my dad.
My only parent. He was all I had before you.

No matter how dumb it seemed, it was important to me. But you didn't care.

"I am ready for us to be juniors!" Maggie exclaimed with a large smile as Johnny clapped in agreement

"Although we're basically adults which completely blows." Terrance our other friend chimes in.

We had hard lemonades in hand and enjoyed each other's company. And as much as I loved my friends, I missed you so much. I just wanted you near.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Johnny asks.

"He's not my boyfriend," I managed to choke out without showing how much I wanted it to not me this way. "But he's uh- busy, tonight."

"Make sure he doesn't vanish," Terrance jokes making the rest follow suit. I stood up and walked into my house.

I was sick of the innuendos, the jokes.

Why couldn't I be with you in peace.

"Iris!" Maggie called after me. "They're just pulling your leg ok? They meant nothing by it."

"Well it's annoying and I want them to stop." I said. Frustration pouring out as well.

"Then I'll get them to stop."

Hours later, when the fireworks show had ended and everyone had gone home, I busied myself with movies in the living room. My father was asleep thankfully and I didn't have to be on my toes.

Just as I was falling asleep, I heard two knocks against the backyard door. At first my heart rate increased so I grabbed the bat in the storage closet but as I approached it, there you were.

Damn you were beautiful.

"Am I still yours?" You asked as soon as I'd slid the door open. "I hope you know why I couldn't come."

I nod, "Yes."

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