Chapter 4

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Bryce POV:

I woke up, and it was Friday. It is crazy to think that we would be going to Joshua Tree today without the twins. It would be our first time without the twins, and it would be the first time we had left them with anyone. I talked to Addison last night and suggested that we stay the night. That if something went wrong, we would drive back immediately, but we deserved a night off. We deserved to do something for ourselves. We had put one another on the back burner because we had made sure to make the babies our priority. 

As great as that has been, it also caused a lot of stress on our relationship. If we wanted to save our relationship and get back on track to get married, this would be the first step. I packed our bags while Addison packed the twin's bags. This was my safest bet. I knew that if I had packed them, she would go back and double-check.  It was early in the morning, but we wanted to get out there early to go hike and walk around.

Addison POV:

I was packing the twin's bags. I was so anxious, and I soon felt like I was gonna back out of staying the night, but then I reminded myself. My fiance and I would deserve time, especially if we wanted to get married within the next two years. I finally would have Bryce all to myself, and we would be able to sleep in. I was looking forward to not having to wake up in the middle of the night.  

I finished the twin's bags, and Bryce brought their car seats to the car. I was so excited to get to go away finally. We didn't get to go away for Bryce's birthday like I wanted to because we were exhausted. We just went to sway. I decorated, and the girls cooked. But, I knew that I didn't want to spend my anniversary like that. Bryce began to drive to sway. That is where Mads and Nessa would be watching Amara and Carter. I couldn't believe that we had trusted them enough to stay overnight, but we deserved it. 

When we arrived, everyone was outside smiling. That was really weird. I know it could only mean one thing, and that was that our friends were up to something. Jaden and Josh came and grabbed the twins out of the car while Mads grabbed the bags. I was shocked that they were so excited to take the twins. I am pretty sure by tomorrow they would regret that decision. 

A: I pumped enough bottles for them both. If you happen to run out, there is the formula in the bag with water.

M: Addison, we've got this

B: And there are multiple clothing items in their bag because they often go through a ton of different clothing.

Jo: Buddy, go. But, we can't let you take the mom's car.

Bl: So, you guys are gonna take my car

A: Thank you guys so much. I appreciate it

Bryce took the bags out of the "mom car" and transferred them into Blakes convertible. I knew they wanted this day to be special.  I hopped into the driver's seat, and Bryce. had a shocked look on his face.

A: Sit back, and enjoy the ride because I'm taking control this weekend

B: Ouu, I like this side.

Bryce POV:

We began to drive two hours away. While we were driving we screamed at the top of our lungs. It felt good. It felt like old times. I couldn't remember the last time we were so free like this. I was excited about what would come tonight. When we pulled up to the house, I looked at Addison, and I smiled. She looked gorgeous. I went and opened the door for her before putting her in my arms.  We walked into the house, and it looked amazing.

Jads had definitely outdone themselves this time. I don't understand how they always amaze us, but they constantly go above and beyond. I put Addison down, and then we walked to the backyard. That was our absolute favorite place. I turned to Addison and showed her the polaroid.

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