But I need a TM or TR to learn it - The Fifth Memory

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Crystal walked through the hallways which twisted and turned and wrapped all around, or at least, it felt like it. This time Shadow appeared again. "Hello there." He said. "So what's the trap this time?" Crystal asked. "Hehehe, I am, since I know the move psychic I am perfect for a trap. I can get into your head and before you know it I've found your fears, and force you to face them, except they'll be 10 times worse, giving you the risk of dying by fear. However if you manage to survive it, you'll never be afraid of that thing again. Good luck." He said. The walls around the two fell down as if they were part of a stage. "One with so many fears...how could you possibly survive it?

One with little fears, I wonder how you'll get out of it. Perhaps force your conscious to recognize what's real and what isn't? Face your fears dead on and force yourself to brave through it? Or perhaps you'll just simply wake yourself up when you realize nothing is real? I wonder what the outcome will be, I'll stay out of pure curiosity." Shadow said. I hope she perseveres through this though....even though she is trespassing, she is the only one to make it this far, and before I can let her learn my truth, I must test her, like everyone else that's come through here and ran away. I need someone to bring my soul back out of darkness. Shadow thought to himself.

He stayed in her head just to observe just so he can witness what happens, however he somehow managed to move his real body back to his room. Crystal was afraid of figuratively being knocked down, she also was afraid of having to suffer. So it showed, not someone else, but herself, telling her that she's nothing, that she's useless. That she can't possibly beat Shadow like this. "I have too much at stake for your words to affect me! So out of sheer determination I will persevere!" Crystal exclaimed. "I will learn what happened to him, and do anything I can help, no one should suffer so much that it turns them dark. Even if it costs me my life I will help him." Crystal said.

"Well then, speaking of suffering." The fake glaceon said. Walls appeared around them and a torture chamber appeared. "This one's going to be easy for her to get out of.....*sigh* the challenge of this trap depends on the fears a person has." Shadow said to himself. "So what you're just going to torture me?" Crystal asked her fake self. "No, I won't be torturing you, I'll be torturing your family." The fake one said. "Wait what! This isn't supposed to be able to happen! I don't even know who her family is.....oh no. It's supposed to be MY trap, MY test." He said to himself. Since he was along the lines of the dream world he teleported to her.

"HEY STOP THIS MADNESS! WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING MESSING WITH MY TEST/TRAP?!" Shadow yelled. "Hahaha, stay out of it vermin." The thing said turning out to be a zoroark. "Vermin!" Shadow exclaimed his blue rings began to glow. "I can end you. I can make you go braindead without being near you purely because your here. I hardly think you want to make me mad." Shadow said, tackling it, holding it's head down to the side. "Leave here or die, that's your choice." Shadow said. "Hahaha, you vile worm, you think you can harm me? I'd like to see you try." It said with a smirk.

"So you have chosen death." Shadow said as he bit it's neck and ripped the skin from there and stabbed its face still biting its neck until it goes limp. "No one screws with me or my traps/tests and gets away with it. It's fine if they die during my trials, but if it's because of someone that's not part of it then it is not okay." He said to himself before turning to Crystal, sorry you had to see that, everything here is fake by the way, I just used my psychic to force you into a dreamlike state." Shadow explained. "The door to escape is over there." He said gesturing to a door with swirls on it. "Whatever it takes I will find a way to help you." She said.

"I hope so!" He called out right as she reached the door. She looked back and he was gone, she then entered the door and woke up and Shadow was still gone. She then reached the next painting. The painting showed an espeon and Shadow, both using psychic on some furniture. It did the same as the rest. Shadow was talking to a couple of his friends when the espeon suddenly pulled him to the side. "What was that for?!" He protested. "It's about time you learn the move psychic." She said. "Gem, I can't learn that move without a TM or a TR with that move on it. You know that." Shadow said. "But you can, and you'll be the first to learn it without one of them." Gem said.

"Ugh fine, but only to prove to you that it's impossible." Shadow said. The two sat in the zen area of the greenhouse. "Connect your mind to itself and then send out your thoughts, your will, onto the things around you, and focus on a specific object, focus your mind on that object and put your will out onto it." She explained using psychic to move a bench into the air; suddenly another one of the benches started to levitate into the air while Shadow faced it. "I-It's working...h-how?!" Shadow asked. "If you can learn it on a TM or TR then it can be taught." Gem said. "Oh." Shadow responded. He turned to leave, but the look on Gem's face made it seem like she didn't want him to leave.

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