{The Truth}

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I ran like hell down the corridor, her scream echoing in my head. I never wanted to hear it again. All I know is that whatever caused it had to die and that I had to get to her. I heard the others behind me, but there was no way in hell that I would stop running until I got to her.

A few guards had gotten in my way... a wrong move. I gave the first one an uppercut with my metal arm, and be went flying. I'm sure I broke his neck. I hoped that I did. I haven't felt this angry in a long damn time, and everyone in my way was going to suffer for it.

The second guard pulls out a baton. I slid underneath his outstretched arm, and I kicked the back of his knees to take him down. I unsheath my knife and dodge his attacks easily. I knocked the baton out of his hand and pushed the blade through his rib cage when he tried to land a punch.

The last one saw what I had done. He tried to back away. I don't have time for this... I pull out my pistol and shoot him, and I keep moving. I couldn't hear Y/N anymore, but I heard Wanda call out to her.  Whatever happened, Y/N could not fight.

"Bucky!" I hear Cap calling for me.

"There's no time, Steve," I replied.

I keep moving. I couldn't afford to waste any time. She needed me. She was my mission. Steve caught up and ran with me.

"You didn't have to kill them, Buck."

"Yes, I did," I replied. "and whoever hurt Y/N is next."

"You don't know who or what it could be," Steve points out.

"If it bleeds, it can die," I checked my weapon, and I kept going.

We got to the lab, and I kicked the door clean off the damn hinges. It was smoky in here. Was there a fire? No...I don't smell anything. I could barely see into the room. What the hell is going on? Then, I notice that four cryogenic chambers are open.

"That's not good," Steve murmured.

"Shit," I heard someone whisper.

"Language-" Sam whispered.

"Now's not the time, Sam-" Clint responds.

"That was a nervous reflex. I don't like this..." Sam continues.

"Okay, no, I get that..." Clint decides.

"Stay sharp," Steve instructed. "We don't know what's in here. We've got to get Y/N and Wanda out of here."

"Where's Ulric?" Nat asked. "We have to protect him, too."

"I had Bruce and Tony take him to the jet as soon as we heard-"

"We have to find her," I interrupted with my weapon at the ready.

I had to find her. I needed to find her. What the hell happened in here?

"Whatever was in those chambers," Clint murmured. "I hope it doesn't crawl...I've had enough of that."

Truth be told, so have I. Now I was wondering if  HYDRA made some fucked up animal hybrid for us to have to kill. Dammit, Clint.

"Why did you have to say that, man?" Sam asks.

"We were all thinking it," Clint points out.

"We weren't before, and we are now!" Sam mumbled.

"I need both of you to be quiet," I said sharply. "And Clint...if it's true, I'm using you as bait."

"What?!" Clint hissed. "Wait a minute-"

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