Chapter 4

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"Have you told him?" April shook her head, looking down at her water bottle. April was afraid of ruining everything with him.

"He might feel the same way, you never know." Sasha got up from the cushioned chair to get a bottle of water for herself from the fridge, leaving A.J. sprawled out on the mattress of the bed.

When Mercedes returned, she noticed April sitting up with the bottle clenched tightly in those small hands of hers. "A.J.?" As soon as she said her name, April chucked the water bottle straight in Sasha's direction, hitting the side of her head. "What the hell was that for?!"


"I don't..know..." I just stared at the bottle that I threw out of my hands. "I'm sorry."

"You need serious help." I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye when she said that. Part of me wanted to rip her head off, but the other half just wanted to stay with her, together. What was going on?

Author's POV

Sasha couldn't stay in the hotel room with April. She never knew what side of her would come out. Her thoughts were interrupted when the two of them heard someone pounding arduously at their door. Sasha noticed AJ clearly not being the one to open the door, so she turned from her friend and made her way to unlock the door, revealing a ragged-form of Jon.

"April!" Sasha glanced into the room to see A.J. walking over to them before she looked back at Jon.

"You're here, with her?" He gestured from Sasha, then to April when she finally arrived, receiving a raised, questionable eyebrows from both girls.

"We, unfortunately, got roomed together." Once she heard Sasha mutter that, April lowered her head to veil her darkened expression. It was quick to show that Jon saw this reaction, and of course, he smirked at the idea.

"What's going on between you two?" The two reactions that came from them were the complete opposite, as A.J. smiled to herself, but Sasha was washed over with a disgusted look on her face.

"If you came here for April, then take her and go. If not, leave."

"Guess I struck a nerve there? Bye, ladies." With that said, he left in the same direction he came from, back to the elevator. In slight dissatisfaction, April walked back inside, picking up the water bottle that she had previously thrown. Even though she didn't want to admit it, after what she just heard, she wasn't regretting her actions. Seconds later, Sasha followed back inside and went straight for her gym bag.


A.J. set the bottle down on the nightstand and waited for Sasha to say something else.

"You know I didn't mean that, right? I only said that because, hello? You threw that at me for no damn reason," she pointed at the bottle, "but if I'm being completely honest, there's something I need to talk to you about. I would now, but I told Rebecca (Becky) that I'd meet her at the gym. Is that alright?" She lifted her bag and slung the strap over her shoulder.

"Yeah.. That's fine." April nodded her head, a small smile creeping along her lips.

"I'll see you later then, ba- A.J." Sasha quickly grabbed her phone and left the hotel room, leaving a more than confused April standing next to the bed.

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