02. unforgiveable acts

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A M I R A  H A Y E S
September 10th, 1994

I'M SITTING ON top of a high building, it seems like I'm somewhere in New York, which is quite strange because I've never been.

My feet are dangling over the edge and as the wind suddenly changes direction, it seemingly pushes me towards the brim.

I curiously look down, I can't make out the ground below. It's almost blurry? As the ground starts coming into focus, I feel the safety of the ledge gone.

I'm falling.

My eyes open and I jolt back, nearly tipping off of my seat. As I look around at my surroundings, I see dusty red curtains draped from the high ceiling, glass balls on all of the tables, and the many students of my Divination class staring at me in confusion, some laughing. I register what has happened and immediately get embarrassed, feeling my face get warm. I quickly situate myself, fixing my posture entirely as Professor Trelawney continues her lesson.

I look to my right to meet Cedric's eyes. My discomfort seems to double under his concerned gaze. Him and I have gotten along pretty well recently.

"Are you alright, Amira?" He asks, concerningly.

I nod trying to gather myself after that humiliating occurrence, bring my focus onto the assignment placed in front of me. Although I am positive Professor isn't certain on what exactly she is teaching. On the table in front of me is a petite tea cup containing tea leaves that are meant to tell me the fate of my future. I highly doubt the results are true, however a very small part of me thinks there is a possibility that it could be. I raise my head back up to Cedric.

"Mind working together? -I don't really know what to do."

He scoots his chair closer to me, sliding his cup on the table, making it cling against mine.  I peek into his cup and open my book to search for answers.

"You've got the Cross, which means trials and suffering and... what looks like a messed up skull? The definition tells me there's danger in your path."  I let out a small laugh, obviously not taking the symbols too seriously; the practice of Tessomancy not being too reliable.

Who in their right mind would allow tea leaves to dictate their future? I push my cup towards Cedric as he runs his finger down the pages of his textbook, trying to find my fate. I watch him attentively while the front of his hair falls past his forehead, into his eyes. He pushes it back up, but to no resolve.  His head rises to meet my gaze, forcing my eyes to meet his. I quickly return to the pages of my book, putting my attention elsewhere. I see his head lower back down in my peripheral vision, a smirk lingering on his face. 

"Well you aren't doing any better than me... you've got the Falcon- a deadly enemy and the Cross as well I believe." He turns the cup and looks at the leaves thoroughly, his eyebrows furrowed. I release a small giggle, seeing him in such concentration.

"Hey, this is serious, we are shown to be going down some deadly paths." Cedric says sarcastically, placing my cup back down onto the table.

"Rightttt." I struggle to hold back a smile.

 He returns to his work, satisfied with my response. It's odd how easily we talk with one another. When I first met Ron, Harry and Hermione it took ages for us to finally get comfortable with each other. I shrug it off as being a house thing, since we were both sorted into Hufflepuff. We are supposed to get along well...right?

The class is dismissed after another hour of the Professor's wild theories of who's next to die this year. I wave to Cedric before we head our separate ways down the hall. Not as a goodbye, but as a 'see you soon'. 

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