Lean On Me

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The walk home was difficult for Kara.

After Adrian spent almost thirty minutes convincing Kara that there was nothing that could be done about the throwing star killer, she left city hall. The night was lonely, the wind was cold, and there was no one there to keep her company. Her plans with Oliver were abruptly cancelled, for good reason that is, so she found herself walking along the sidewalk on her lonesome. Her day began filled with tension and frustrations, only to end in sorrow and heartbreak. She needed to sort though the wide variety of her emotions.

So she tried to do that on her own on her walk home. She cried many tears— tears for her lost new friend who's life ended too soon. No. She could not even call him a friend. He was an ally that she had began to build the foundations of a friendship with. And any hope of that connection was gone along with Luke Milton's ability to breathe. She also wept for the mother and father who lost a son, the wife who lost a husband, and the son who lost a father— those were who most of her tears were for.

A life was taken senselessly, and Kara felt so powerless. She had the ability to physically move mountains, rip through metal with heat that bolted out of her eyes, and yet she still couldn't help save an innocent man with so much to give to the world. And worst of all, she had no idea where to go. It was like her feet were cemented into the ground while the goal of catching this killer stood within walking distance. It angered her. It saddened her.

She just wanted to do more.

As she walks up to her door, she notices that it had been unlocked. With Luke's death looming in her mind, she began to prepare herself for the possibility of someone trying to do the same to her. Not to think that they would be successful, considering the most potent of bullets made of earth's elements couldn't pierce her skin. But she would still have to put some effort in putting anyone who challenged her on the ground.

But when she slips her glasses on her nose so she can look through the door, she is pleasantly surprised with the face that awaited her on the other side. A gleaming Alex suddenly turned to a concerned sister as her excited eyes met with Kara's puffy ones still filled with tears. She immediately walks up to her, placing a hand on her shoulder as she asks, "Kara, what's wrong?"

"It's just been a long day," Kara chokes as she wipes a tear off of her cheek. Alex quickly brings her into a solacing embrace. The warmth of her arms around Kara's shoulders brings a comfort that Kara desperately needed. At that moment, she did not need to talk. She just needed her sister. So they stood there in silence as Kara allowed herself to loosen her tense upper body and fall into the loving tenderness that her sister gave. She had no clue why Alex was even there— maybe the world simply knew that she was who Kara needed to see after the day she had. Whatever the reason was, she was grateful for her presence.

After the moment passed and Kara felt like the silence needed to be broken, she pulls away, once again wiping the fresh tears from her face as she begins apologetically, "I'm sorry. I feel like I've been holding that cry in all day."

"You never have to apologize for crying, Kara," Alex assures her. "Now what's going on?"

Kara sighs as she walks to her wine cabinet to grab a bottle and two glasses, fully preparing for what spieling to Alex always entailed. She sets the bottle on the counter along with the glasses as she responds, "did you hear about the head of the ACU?"

"On the news, yeah," Alex tells her while taking a glass and the bottle to the couch where so many of their late night talks have taken place. She furrows her eyebrows as she asks, "did you know him?"

Kara slowly shakes her head. "I met him today. We worked the case together all day. Within the three hours of him telling us that he was going home to check on his family, I find out he was killed. It was just so sudden."

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