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Suddenly a loud and powerful growl came out of my throat stopping the Wolves and hunters with their fights.

"A-Alpha" Rujin gets to his knees and bowed down same goes to the other wolves and some of the hunters. I was starting to calm down but I suddenly explode when one of the hunters said something that caused me to explode.

"Why are you bowing to that weak Alpha? She's just like her father who's weak and can be killed so easily"

"*mumbles* A-Alpha please calm down" Rujin mumbled to himself but I heard it and ignored him.

"*chuckles* You didn't even know my father so don't judge a book by it's cover" My eyes started to change from brown to bloody red.

"You're just a fcking weak poor little puppet who's always obeying his master's command. My father died because of you hunters. You killed him by shooting him with a silver bullet in his heart. So let's try a little game shall we? *smirks*" My words sends goosebumps to the hunters and wolves. I hate it when some people or someone talk bad things about my father.

Basically the hunter that spoke bad things about my father is now chained up on a chair with an apple on top of his head. So the little game is that I have to shoot the apple in his head but I was planning to kill him. So later I'll purposely shoot him in his heart. Rujin passed me the bow and the arrows with a shaky hands

"Mmmhhh why so shaky Beta?" I asked him getting an arrow and putting it on the bow.

"I-It's no-nothing A-Alpha" He tried hiding the fear in his voice but failed.

"I'm getting impatient" I slightly jumped because of excitement.

"P-please d-d-don't do t-this" The hunter keeps begging me but I ignored him and positioned myself.




When it's finally three I released the arrow. (I'm sorry I don't know anything about archery) Then it misses the apple and the hunters sighs in relief but they didn't knew I purposely did it and they are clueless to what will happen later to their member.

I put an arrow again and aim it at his heart.




The hunters faces shows terrified same with the wolves. I clean the invisible dust in my hands and walk away proudly. They only look at the now dead body with a guilty faces.
I walked to my house where I let Taehyung stay. Yes I already know his name but I barely called him by his name. When I walk inside the house I see him sitting on the sofa while reading a book. I have so many books here. They were given to me by my grandparents (father's side) when they were still alive. Mostly about them was about wolves.

"Hey hunter" I sat on the other couch and stared at him.


"What are you reading?" I already knew what he was reading but I decided to just ask him.

"It's about the war between the wolves and the hunters" He closed the book and put it to where he gets it.

We're currently eating in the dining room because it's already night. I mind linked my beta an hour ago or two that I'm sleeping in my house but I didn't mention to him that I'm in the same house with a hunter. A handsome one, wait what!!! What's happening to me. I was interrupted in my thoughts when Taehyung spoke.

"I'm going to bed now" He stood up and headed upstairs but stop midway and saying the word that I wanted to hear.

"Good night Alpha Kimjie" Then he closes the door leaving me in shock.

"Did he just said "Alpha Kimjie"?

"Yes yes he said that"

"Gosh what's happening to me"

I got up and wash the dishes. After I'm done, I head upstairs and laid down in my bed.

"Good night Taehyung" That's what I said before I drifted to sleep.

Mated To An Alpha (kthxreader)Where stories live. Discover now