Hard rebound

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Obito watched the Leaf scatter apart. Flames blazed as he looked at his home. Tattered and ripped apart by what he thought was a tailed beast. Heat washed over him as he stared at the torn and devastated village. He had not known that someone knew of his plans and wanted to help him. He gazed over the easterly bluff as a harsh wind carried the scent of blood so heavily it was almost as if wind itself was dying. He contemplated the options that he had left as he trekked toward the Forest of Dead Trees. The birds did not sing, for it was too dangerous.

He whispered to himself as he braced the heat. "Damn. I knew it was dangerous to do this.".

Obito looked upon a small pond that was alone and growing moss in the cracks of the bank. He was reminded of himself by this pond, alone and abandoned. He filled his flask with the cool and sweet water as he wavered his hand to filter the moss. He had drank from this pond many times after he had gone rogue. After deciding where to go, he trekked further south into the Forest of Silence. The old trees seemed to be weeping as their branches wilted from a lack of water. Just as his love once wilted from lack of acceptance and forgiveness because the loss of a friend. After a long trek, he rested under a oak tree. The tree was several hundred years old and carried pests, but Obito did not care.

He muttered as droplets of cool water hit his sweaty and rank body from the trees. "This wasn't what I wanted...".

He paused as he looked at himself in a puddle of rain. Thinking hard and long about had happened.

He spoke to himself again. "I only wanted to right the wrong... but I was in the wrong..."

He trekked west into the Lightning desert after resting and deciding his path. The desert seemed so calm that is was as if the desert was dormant as he had been in the Forest of Silence.

A deafening sound could be heard from the Village. As far away as Obito was, it was as if he was right next to it. "That sounds like...". Obito realised his worst fears as he watched a large dome of light spread from the direction the village and hit him with a blast of heat. He fell to his knee and began to sob as he gripped the ground as if he was in pain. He knew what had happened.

He glanced towards a figure whom was trekking towards him at a fair pace. The ambiguous figure seemed to make the air vibrate with heat as it walked. Their midnight black leather pants and tail overcoat gleamed with polish as heavy iron heel boots made dust fly out from all directions. Obito yelled at this ambiguous figure.

"Get away!".

The person stopped close enough that Obito could make out details. Their face was mostly covered by bandages. But their eyes were full with a scar over the left eye. And much like his own, had a resenting look that suggested a harsh and unforgiving past. But their eyes had no Jutsu. But were indeed a dark purple. Not dark like the Rinnegan, but not light like his coat. Just a plain purple. Their hair was so unkempt and uncut to the point that is was down to their waist. But the strangest thing was that it was light pink and had a natural gloss. Their coat drape open to reveal a dark purple vest that had too many stitches to look like a Genin vest or a Chunin vest. The figure mumbled as they spoke in a rough tone that suggested it was a man.

"What are you doing out here, little scamp?".

Obito hissed at him. "What's it to you, Barbie?".

The wind picked up and sent the smell of blood and ash in the air like a wall of death. The sand whipped its tail into a dust devil. Obito glared at him with a intensity of hate. And the man glared back with a rough indifference rougher than the harsh desert sands. His ankles blistered and sore, Obito did not believe the sand helped.

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