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"Senku. When are we gonna make a bomb?" You said.

It's like 5:37 AM right now. You are/arent a morning person. (Not morning person- but you heard a weird noise that woke you up and want to discover with Senku.) Senku gets up at around 6. Of course he gonna talk half asleep. In the Modern world, you always record him so you can use advantage. Right now in this Stone World, you guys haven't made one, yet.

"Mmm. I don't knoww. Whenn you want too do it?" He mumbled.

"Hmmmm maybe after we make a phone?"

"Mmm. Yeah. Goodnight (Y/n)...." He mumbled.

"But. It's morning already." You said.

"What time is it?" He asked.

You gonna do something very evil. He will accept you because he loves you so much.

"6:30 AM" You lied.

"WHAT?!" He woke up fast and look around then look at you.

"I must have been sleeping late lately. But.... Why am I so tired?" He asked.

"Because it's still 5:40. You get up at 6." You said innocently.

"(Y/NNN)!!! I can't believe you did that. I could have slept 1380 seconds. For that. I'll have my revenge. I get to hug you only about 15 minutes. Starting now." As he drag you back down and cuddle.

"Alright. Both of you are awake so I assume we are ready to go?" Senku and you heard her voice and look at her. you just realized she has been awake like at 4 for some reason and can't go to sleep. Be thankful that you aren't a third wheel.

"Well. First, I'm hungry. Without food I'm not going anywhere." You said. You been craving for some land meat or something sweet.

"Fine. I'll go make some fried fish." She said as she goes to the river.

Of course eating fish is good but tiring as well. You saw Senku just looking up the sky for some reason. You start to think he is sus about something. You said something

"Hey, Senku... Why are you looking up at the sky?" You asked.

He turned and look at you and said

"I don't like you anymore. Let's break up" In a innocent way.

You were about to cry and you got really embarrassed. It was just only one day till you have one drop falling down your cheek.

"(Y/n)... I was just kidding. Wow. You really care about me a lot." As he hug you tight and kiss you on the mouth only for a few seconds.

"B-but you acted so serious. I thought it was true." As you hug back.

"Well, I need to practice. I have a plan to stop Tsukasa and his army but I need to practice about it. You just keep being you. Make sure the act is true." He said as he kissed your forehead.

"You done with the love stuff?" Kohaku asked. Geez. When is she gonna stop being a third wheel?

You two agree and started to make the food.

After that you guys follow Kohaku.

"Hot water?" Senku asked.

As Kohaku got her big jar and collecting hot water.

"of course it is. I take this at home to make a hot steamy bath. You know, healing purposes."

".........You gorilla seem healthy to me. Why does gorilla need more healing if you fine like that?" Senku asked

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2021 ⏰

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