Chapter 14

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Wow, someone already read chapter 13! That's awesome! Thank you for voting and being invested in my fanfic! 

Also, who would have known I would write TWO chapters today!??!?!

On to the story.

(My buttons still aren't working, pretend that is all slanted)

So this is based on when Alec and the Gryffindor are out in the hall waiting for the teacher.



I walked out of the class with the Gryffindor, whose name has escaped my mind. All that I know is that he managed to piss me off by being snobby. I leaned against the far wall and looked to the ground, this was the opposite situation of where I wanted to be at this point in time.

"Hey, Slytherin, bet your daddy is so proud of you being the spoiled little brat you are." He hissed.

Loki, his name is Loki.

What a fitting name.

I shrugged my shoulders and pressed my head back into the wall.

"Bet daddy absolutely loves the fact you have turned out to be a useless pureblood." Loki pressed on, a huge smirk on his face.

The teacher stormed out and looked at the two of us, her arms crossed, Loki's back to the teacher. He must not have heard her come.

"stop," I responded, now was not the time and place.

"No, you are good for nothing brat." Loki edged on.

"Stop," I said back to him.

"ENTITLED PURE BLOODED-" He raised his fist to punch me.

"SHUT-" I yelled.

The teacher grabbed him from behind, his eyes going wide with terror.

"QUIET!" The teacher yelled, "That is clearly enough." She hissed letting go of Loki.

"Sit on the floor, hands under your legs." She commanded, I slid to the floor from the wall, Loki glared at me and did the same.

"Now, in my class, we will not do this again. You are in fifth year! Get your acts together, you both must come in and grade papers with me, at separate times, on separate days because THIS will not happen again. If you speak again in my class to one another, you will be sent to the headmaster." The teacher lectured and then looked to Loki.

"And, Mr. Loki, if you raise your fist in an act of violence once more, you will be kicked out of my class for the remainder of the year. Do I make myself clear, boys?" She asked.

I gave her a nod. Loki stared into space.

"for now on, when the bell rings, Loki leaves first, then two minutes shall pass and Alec may leave." The teacher directed.

"Loki, you may go in, Alec, wait for me to go in, and follow." The teacher directed and motioned for Loki to go in.

Loki stood up, clearing his face of emotion before walking into the classroom. 

"Alec, the other teachers said if you act up to contact your father, shall I do that or keep this between the other students and I?" She asked when Loki was out of earshot. She crossed her arms, her mouth forming a line as if she had eaten something bitter.

"If you don't mind-" I began and she nodded.

"Secret safe then, next time it will be detention and your father will be notified, and trust me, your father is a scary man, I would not like to be on his bad side." The teacher spoke and walked into the classroom, I followed behind her.

I walked to my desk beside the Hufflepuff who looked like she was reading intensely.

I sat down and put my head on the desk. 

"Turn to your desk partner and share what you know about Belladonna." The teacher commanded and then began writing on the board.


I felt the shift of the desks, the Hufflepuff must have moved to look at me.

"Alex, we are supposed to talk about Belladonna... please sit up." She whispered.

"No," I responded, I did not feel like talking. I moved my head to the side and looked up at her.

"Belladonna is-" 

"I do not care, Hufflepuff, just shut up," I whispered harshly. Maybe too harshly. I turned my face back to the table.

"But we were-"

"I don't care," I responded bitterly, a sour taste appeared in my mouth.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

For once, someone sounded serious like they cared about my condition. She was probably faking it. I can not let my guard drop.

"Just focus on your own life," I spoke, wow that sounded harsh. No coming back from this.

"We can talk about-" She insisted, kind of annoying.

"Kayla, shut. up. I did not ask you to ask." I responded, damn I messed up big this time.

I sat up and fluffed my hair, my dad is going to be so mad at me. I am going to have to face his wrath.

I began to pack up, all I had was two books, so it wasn't that hard, but with a racing mind everything is.

The bell sounded and people began to leave, Loki left, and others followed suit. I still had a minute and a half to go.

"If you ever need to talk, I am here. I know you don't know me, but Malcom told me how good of friends you once were," Kayla spoke before walking to the door and glancing back at me. 

Does she actually care or is she just being nice? Just forty-five seconds. 

"Professor, I can come today if you'd like," I spoke numbly.

"See you then Alec," She spoke and finished writing on the board. Twenty seconds.

"Okay." I began making my way to the door, other students began to crowd the classroom and were beginning to look at me like confused sheep.

I walked out the door as my two minutes were up, next was my free, so I sat in the Slytherin corridor.  My mind began to swarm with thoughts.

Could she actually care?

What did Malcom tell her?

What does she think of Malcom?

Does she hate me for her friend?

It wasn't my fault, I wasn't there.

The bell rang, I was almost too stunned to move and as I made my way through each class my mind kept spinning, I could barely pay attention in any of my classes for the rest of the day. As the bell rang just before Defence against the Dark arts, I couldn't get myself to move.

My mind was swarming at the thought of seeing her again. I was overwhelmed. I was frozen in place.

I was so rude and she was so... nice.

Father is going to berate me.

Malcom would be so disappointed with me. No, he will. He is going to hate me.

I forced myself to move as the other Slytherins stared at me like I had grown seven heads. I walked to Defence against the dark arts and sat down in my seat that was next to where Kayla would be sitting. She wasn't here yet. No one was really here yet, I was super early for leaving late.

What will I do?

A few students piled in, some Slytherin's casting looks in my direction and snickering. Some did their best not to meet my gaze.

Do I leave? Apologize? Write a letter? 

The Hufflepuff did not deserve for me to be rude.

She walks in the door, looks to me, frowning, and walks to the desk, sits down. 

She leans over and whispered softly, almost gentle, to me, "Alec, you're crying. Are you okay?" 

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