Chapter 16

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Thank you for voting on the previous chapters and for commenting!! You are all awesome!

I hope you enjoyed the last chapter- I get it may not have been that badly gruesome, but I put that note just to ensure no one would get upset! Also, YES, I did do some spell research to write that chapter, I definitely do not have that spell memorized. Just had to get some drama get into the story... More to come! 



I stayed silent as I stood in the hall. The other students took turns daring to peek at me as I relaxed against the wall. I just committed, what is it, an act of assault? Yeah, that must be it. Father is going to be so upset, but this time, so upset he will yell.

As teachers rushed in the room and the Headmaster yelled for where people to go, in which Rowan and I knew where we would be going. He broke Cecelia's hand, I slammed her head against the floor. Surprised we aren't going for questioning with people from the ministry, maybe that will come later.

Rowan and I walked silently down the corridor. Our steps echoing off the walls as we barely dared to breathe. 

"Thought you weren't going to cause anything else, Alec," Rowan said in a crisp tone. 

Damn, he was mad.

"Never thought you would take down a girl, Alec, pick on someone your own size," Rowan laughed and then went serious.

Wait... is he joking? 

"Thank you for not letting that get out of hand. I owe you one." Rowan spoke and then walked into the headmaster's office and sat down in a chair in front of the desk. The headmaster soon followed, I sat down.

"Inform Cecelia's parents that they are to attend a meeting- I do not give a care in Merlins Beard, if they do not come to this meeting, I will go to their house myself." The Headmaster boomed from the door.

We both gulped, his voice was very intimidating.

"INFORM THEM THAT VOLDE- okay you get it? Good, do it." He boomed, "Inform Alec's parents that I wish to speak with them in brief, Kayla's parents shall be sent a letter, and Rowan's family needs to come to a meeting as well."

Oh no. Father.

"Sir, my parents-" Rowan began to speak and the Headmaster held up a hand.

The Headmaster shut the door loudly, he trudged to the desk and sat in his chair. He grabbed a pen and began to write. The faint sound of pen scraping paper could be heard, I wasn't even sure if Rowan was breathing at this point. The headmaster continued to write until he set down the pen and pushed a glass bowl forward to Rowan and I.

"Go ahead. Take a mint. Rowan, you have not breathed much since you sat down." The Headmaster spoke and Rowan, maybe out of fear, grabbed a mint. Rowan plopped it in his mouth. The Headmaster smiled faintly before the door swung open, if it was forced open any harder, it may have fallen off the hinges.

"Sir, their fathers are here... well, Rowan, Alec, and Cecelia's fathers..." A petit woman spoke, three looming male figures stood behind the woman. 

"Come in." The Headmaster nodded to them.

The men walked in, three chairs appearing beside each of them. Each took a seat. I could feel the anger radiating off of my father.

"Hello, Awiche, Avery, and Dunmoor, nice to see you all looking so spry." The headmaster spoke.

"Get on with it." My father said almost in a hissing tone.

"Alright, well, Mr.Dunmoor, your daughter, Cecelia, tried to torture another student today. Turned her legs to jelly, and tried to cast Sectumsempra on her." The Headmaster explained.

"And? of what heritage is she?" Mr. Dunmoor responded.

"She is a muggle-born, but that is not up to debate." The headmaster responded, his tone sounding done with life.

"Then she does not matter. Spare my-"

"Mr.Dunmoor, I advise you to shut your mouth, this young lady almost experienced the worst," Mr. Avery, Rowan's father spoke calmly and then stood, "Rowan, what do you have in this? What did you do?" 

"Saved a classmate." The Headmaster spoke.

"But, what is the matter, the Mudblood was spared, who cares? She probably deserved it." Mr.Dunmoor explained.

"Dunmoor, I advise you to-" The Headmaster begun.

"Would you like a demonstration, Dunmoor?" My father spoke. His tone icy as he promised, "It can be arranged."

The Headmaster cleared his throat and spoke, trying to ease the air, "Your daughter is in the Ministry's hands now." 

"Beg your pardon?" Mr. Dunmoor asked. His chair shifting. He was nervous.

"This is an offence, Dunmoor, you would know this working for a lower wing of the ministry." My father shot and crossed his legs.

The door opened once more and the Minister of Magic strolled in.

"Ahhh! Thank you for coming." The headmaster said, almost like a giddy child getting his way.

"Mr. Dunmoor, your daughter is in trouble. Hello Mr. Awiche and Avery. Nice to see you again." The Minister spoke, strolling in with his hands behind his back and then clapped them, "Headmaster! What is it that you needed us all here for? I am assuming that you will lend me Rowan and Alec to deal out their crimes as well? Or am I mistaken, are these two exempts from the law?"

The Headmaster chuckled and shook his head, "Oh no, they are not, but I want to make sure that Cecelia will never return to this school, and that these two boys are acknowledged for being brave and helping a friend." 

Mr. Dunmoor stood from his chair, his anger boiling, like a teapot ready to scream.

"Mr. Dunmoor, your daughter is at the ministry, I advise you to make your way there so you can defend her." The minister said, and Mr.Dunmoor ran from the room. Well, not ran, more like jogged like a little squealing girl, but in the sense, ran.

"Now, boys, Rowan, You broke Cecilia's hand-" The Headmaster begun, a low growl sounded from his father, "And, Alec, you slammed her to the ground. May have purposely slammed her head to silence her, but anyway, I will not establish a punishment on you boys."

"ALEC YOU DID-" My father began.


"Well then, Cecelia's reports were false then, they were not the ones who instigated this. I see. Well, Boys, you both committed something today, rather less than a total murder. Rowan, you broke the girl's hand but did it for the goodwill of a friend... So, use this as a warning, this will go under wraps." The Minister spoke and then chuckled, "Nice to see Mr. Awiche and Avery again, Gentlemen, see you at the ministry 'morrow, bright and early to defend the case." 

The Minister then walked out the door, his chuckling echoing down the hall.

There was silence and then my father spoke.

"Alec, you are an Awiche! What the bloody-" 

"But he did it for Rowan's friend." Mr. Avery spoke, cutting my enraged father off who just shook his head. I knew a million words were bubbling in his stomach, but he kept it down.

"Gentlemen, thank you for being here. The boys have the rest of the day off, I advise them to report to teachers to ask for any missed work, and other than that, good luck." The Headmaster spoke.

"Alec, you need to... stop. Just stop being- stop getting yourself in trouble." My father shook his head and left the room. 

"What friend?" Mr. Avery asked, the question floating in the air.

"Kayla, dad." Rowan spoke, and Mr. Avery nodded and stood, taking a few steps to the door before grabbing the frame and speaking again, "Do it again if you have to," he then took his leave.

The Headmaster looked to Rowan and I before motioning towards the door. 

Rowan and I stood, we both walked out the door and down the hallway together.

Today, it felt as if something had changed. As if I hadn't just cried over an hour ago. I still had something to do, and it was important.

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