Chapter 26

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Katherine was starting to get antsy.

The persistent fear had largely gone. She still had moments where she couldn't breathe, but they were growing less frequent. She still woke some nights, bathed in sweat, with Jacob's voice ringing in her ears, but most nights she slept soundly. She still stiffened at a knock on the door, sure he had found her, but she no longer collapsed into herself from the terror.

She was stronger, now, and with the return of her strength came an itch to move. The plans had all been laid and she wasn't so much fearful of staying as she was excited to be leaving. This little town in the mountains was the only place she had ever known. She had heard stories of cities. Of deserts and damp forests and seas that stretched out so far you couldn't see the land on the other side. But she had never seen them.

She felt like she had as a little girl, sitting with her truest friend on the bank of the river and pondering the Bridge.

"Do you think they speak another language on the other side?" she asked, nudging Gabe with her shoulder.

"Dunno. Don't think we want that. We'd have to learn a new language and I don't know how. Do you?"


"Maybe they just have funny accents."

"Like that fella from Mississippi who came and preached at Papa's church last year?"

"Yeah, like that." He hopped down and she followed him, walking so close to the river the water licked their toes. It was deceptively shallow near the edge, and in the warmth of summer, they could see yellow pebbles through the crystal clear water. "Wanna try again?"

"Yeah!" Usually she was the one pressing him to try. He was always scared she was going to fall in. She gathered up the skirt of her dress and tucked the hem into the thin leather belt she wore around her waist. "You're lucky you get to wear trousers."

"Yeah, yeah. I'd run faster than you even if you weren't in skirts."

"No you wouldn't. I'm faster."

"No, you're not. You're a better balancer but I'm faster."

Ignoring him, she leaped from the bank to the nearest rock, her arms held out to her sides as her feet slipped a little on the slick gray surface. Already, the water was deeper. She peered down at it, and the yellow rocks were tinted an undulating blue by the crisp water. She leaped again, landing steadily on the next rock which was much easier to balance on. It was broad and flat and high enough out of the water the surface was dry. She looked down again and the rocks were dark blue. Again, and the rocks were black. Again, and she couldn't see them at all. Just rushing, bubbly black water that flecked her bare legs with icy pinpricks as it smashed against the rock.

"Wait up!" Gabe hollered from behind her, perched precariously two rocks back. "You're s'posed to let me go first!"

"Nu-uh!" she yelled back over the rush of the river. The sun beat down on her head, and she felt funny with her feet pricked by icy water and her hair warmed by the burning sun. "I'm a better balancer. You said so, remember? I should go first."

He didn't respond, preoccupied with his effort to catch up with her. His face was twisted with concentration as he stepped one foot forward, rocked back, and launched himself to the next rock. He landed awkwardly, wobbling with his arms outspread and a look of pure panic on his face. For a second, she panicked with him. If he fell in he'd be swept away! But he found his balance and she laughed at him while he glared at her.

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