Chapter 31

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Okay. So I've been doing this thing over on the MoS rewrite that I'm kind of enjoying where I'm replying to comments from each chapter at the start of the next. Since I'm SO BAD at keeping up with comments in real-time, it's been a nice way for me to sit down at one time and respond to them. So I'm gonna do it here. If you hate it, just be like "Liz, I hate it. Shut your face and go back to just writing." If you like it, don't say anything and I'll keep on it. So... 

GigiLaurent - Honestly, I find the psychology of cults and herd mentality and stuff fascinating. I had really grand aspirations with this series to dig into it and explore mindsets and all that. Like... Josh and Amelia's book was supposed to be a close up of how one person might get drawn into it (Owen) and this one was supposed to be about how a whole town could get corrupted, and Melissa's book was supposed to be showing the town recovering during the aftermath of the cult's dissolution... Anyway, it was a lofty goal and it DID NOT pan out. I wound up just writing romance cuz that's what I know. Maybe on the redraft I can actually give it some substance, lol. And I want to hear your theory!!! Maybe lowkey because I'm winging it and maybe your theory makes for better plotting than my chaotic scramble to tie everything up hahaha. 

louis_stylesthebrave - Yeup, it's definitely a cult lol. A hypocritical, cowardly little cult. 

Kinji_plays - Welllll God's not gonna stab him but he's probably not going to come out of this unscathed, for what it's worth. 

Purplishsunflower - Exactly! Were he alive today, he'd be on a nice cocktail of anti-psychotics, living a lovely normal life, and all of this could have been avoided. 

Mountain077 - I'm glad you didn't hate it! I'm always wary about posting chapters from POVs other than the MCs, so it's good to know it wasn't a complete waste of time, hahaha. 

SocialGrace - Yeah, he gross, lol. Thank you for sticking with me all this time. I hope you are doing well!! I think about you often <3 

Alright, now back to your regularly-scheduled programming 😁



His boots sank three inches into the mud as he dismounted, sweating beneath his coat. The sun sat high in the sky, and all that remained of winter's thick blanket of snow was a smattering of muddy clumps, huddled amongst the perpetual shade of the tree roots. The air stank of mud and cow manure and something much less pleasant.

"How many?" he asked without turning to his foreman, who hovered at his elbow. Both their horses were snorting and fidgeting, unsettled by the scene before them.

"Two dozen." Paul's tone was grim.

Two dozen head of cattle. Hardly a devastating loss, considering the size of the ranch. But it wasn't the number.

Josh handed Copper's reins over to Paul and approached the nearest corpse. It was still fresh, the weather cool enough to forestall the worst of the rot, but the stench was unbearable. Every single one, slit open through the belly, viscera spilling out over torn flesh, gut stench permeating the air.

"Never seen anything like it," Paul said, as Josh used his knife to prod at the edges of the wound. Ugly as it was, with all the oozing blood and slippery guts, the slice was clean. Almost methodical.

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