Chapter Four 🔞

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"So, when did this happen? I was just informed about the shoot being preponed." Xiao Zhan enquired while looking at his husband. He cannot resist looking at the charming side profile of his handsome husband while driving.

"Zhan-ge. You know that I am already yours." Wang Yibo winked in a bratty mode, and Xiao Zhan huffed before reasoning out in order to shield himself from further teasing, "I am just admiring the ethereal face of my husband. Am I not allowed to do that?" he asked in flirtatious manner. For Wang Yibo, hearing the word husband from elder's mouth stirs some indefinite feelings inside of him. And Xiao Zhan knew it better than anyone. He let out a gremlin smile watching the younger gulping down his shadowy desires.

"Laogong~*" the elder called out for his husband's attention again, and while pulling over at the basement of the studio block, Wang Yibo responded, "Ai?!"

Xiao Zhan smiled mischievously before extending his hands for younger to grab. Turning off the engine, Wang Yibo looked around to see if there was any living soul at basement parking. Although they knew the news of this shoot wasn't leaked, there might be some people in surrounding which may identify them once they step out.

Once he made sure that there is no one in the vicinity, he lowered his seat till he could move around freely with a gremlin smile adorning his handsome face. Grabbing elder's extended hand, he raised himself in order to shift on elder's lap. The only reason they dared to do this stunt was because the windshields were tinted to the point of restricting the vision of outsider.

"You really do miss me, right?" Wang Yibo asked, straddling elder's lap and slinging his hands on his husband's shoulder. Subconsciously the hands which were resting on Wang Yibo's slim waist tighten a bit, subtly conveying the feelings of pining.

"Do I look good?" Wang Yibo asked while finger combing Xiao Zhan's tresses. Xiao Zhan was till continuously gazing at other's dark orbs which were reflecting nothing but endless love he have for the elder.

"I will again have to live without you for two more weeks? When is it going to end? I feel—"

"I understand ge. The shooting of that drama is not even halfly done." Wang Yibo said before placing a chaste kiss on elder's temple. "I too will miss my Zhan-ge." He confessed.

As Wang Yibo was sitting on Xiao Zhan's lap, there height difference was hiked. And it provided a good place for Xiao Zhan to rest his face. Burying his face in the crook of younger's neck, he sniffled in his cologne which never failed to soothe his mind.

"Wo de laogong, we need to leave. Or you are planning for something else?" Wang Yibo teases when the elder doesn't seem like having any intention of letting go.

"I wish I could have you all to myself." Xiao Zhan said while lifting his head off. "Should I take few days off to accompany you till your desired heart satisfies?" Wang Yibo asked, to which the elder smiled sadly, "Then you will have to take a lifelong vacation because honestly whole of one life won't be enough to be with you." He sincerely made his point clear.

Before Wang Yibo could reply, Xiao Zhan's phone ringtone sounded. Stirring them out of their intimate moment. Xiao Zhan hissed into aversion before looking at Wang Yibo with pleading eyes. Wang Yibo blew a kiss in response before arching his body back to grab the mobile phone placed on the dashboard.

He frowns at the name displayed on it. "Who is this?" he asked shoving the phone at other's sight.

"My new manager." Xiao Zhan tsk-ed before taking the handset from his husband's hands.

"Wei?" he greeted. And manager's concerned voiced sounded from other end. "Boss, are you alright? I have been calling you since long. I was on the verge of calling off today's schedule." She let it out in a single breath.

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