Chapter 18 - Christmas

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December 24, 2013

It was now Christmas Eve and Calum and I were really excited for the triplet's first Christmas! We had all of their presents and told them that Santa was coming tonight. They were doing really good and were gaining some weight. They were all at least 5 1/2 pounds now. Calum and Carter had a special bond, I'd discovered. It was really cute. Maybe it was because they were the only men, but it was still adorable. I'd noticed it a little bit the day we brought them home because he played guitar while holding Carter, but it's gotten way cuter than that since. Whatever Calum does and wherever Calum goes, he takes Carter with him. It is so adorable.

It was 7:30: about time for the triplets to go to sleep when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked toward the door, Calum watching me from the couch with Emma and Peyton in his arms and Carter on his lap. I opened the door, to see one person I never thought would be at my doorstep: my mum. She also had two suitcases in her hands.

"Um.. Mum?" I asked, and Calum walked over, holding all of the triplets. I took Carter out of his arms, and my mum then spoke.

"Hey Makenna..." She said.

"What are you doing here?" Calum asked.

"Well, I got your Christmas card" she said.

"You sent her one?" Calum whispered into my ear.

"Yes, Cal, she's my mum.. I kinda had to.." I whispered back.

My mum then continued, "and I thought your triplets were adorable. I then thought how I overreacted about calling you a whore and a bitch and a slut.. I realized that Calum was right. That's what I am.."

"Are you serious?!" I half-yelled.

"Yeah. I'm sorry.. I want to move back here, and be closer to you guys, but I don't have anywhere to stay right now. I'm looking for a house, but I still don't have one. Could I stay here and help you for a while until I find my own place? Then I can still help you."

"Do you think we can forgive you that quick? You're such a bitch for saying those things about Makenna and the triplets a while ago.." Calum fired at her.

"I know-" Mum started, but I cut her off.

"Calum! You don't yell at my mum like that!!"

"I'm sorry, but we just can't forgive her like that!"

"We can at least let her stay here until she finds her own place"


"Come on in, Mum.."

"This house is beautiful" she complimented, walking through.

"Thanks" I said.

"You guys must have a lot of money from the band, huh?" She asked.

"Yeah.. I'd say" I told her.

We showed her the upstairs and the guest room. She put her bags in there, then we went into the triplet's nursery.

"Do you want to hold the triplets before we put them in their cribs to sleep?" I asked my mum.

"Yes, please" she smiled. Calum handed her Emma first. She put her in her crib once we showed her which one, then held Peyton. She did the same with Peyton, then the same with Carter. We walked back down into the living room to do one more thing before we went to bed. We wanted to start a tradition of putting the angel on the top of the tree right before going to bed on Christmas Eve, so that it what we did. I got the ladder out and climbed onto it. Calum had the angel, and I reached for it. He pulled it away from me.

"Cal, babe.. Give me the angel" I told him.

"Not unless you give me a kiss.."

"God, you're so childish" I said before kissing him (cute pic to side or up top). He handed me the angel, then he decided that it would be fun to step on the ladder behind me and lift me up.

"Cal!!" I almost screeched.

He just giggled, then said, "put it on". I put the angel on, and he put me down and got off the ladder.

"You just needed to go a little higher.." He said, and I hit him for scaring me.

He giggled once more, and Mum went into the guest room. Cal and I went into out bedroom too.

I thought, taking care of the triplets was fun, but it was also tiring. The triplets were also sleeping most of the night now, until about 5:30am.

We went to sleep, and like I said, we woke up at about 5:30 for the triplets. I walked into the nursery, as well as Calum, and mum was already in there, and holding Emma, who was the one crying. She was still crying a little, and she woke Carter up, then Peyton. Mum picked Carter up, then Calum got Peyton.

"I'll go get their bottles" I said, and ran downstairs, got three bottles, and came back up. I handed one to Calum, and I went to grab one of he, from Mum, but she told me that she would lay them down and feed them, so she could feed them both.

"Makenna, we got it. Go get some sleep, okay babe?" Calum said.

"Okay" I said, walking back into Calum's and my bedroom.


It was now 8:30am, and the triplets were awake and weren't going back to sleep until their nap time. Mum, Cal and I each fed one a bottle, then helped them open their presents. They had them all opened, and started playing with them. Last Christmas, I didn't think I would be anywhere near here. I didn't even think I would make up with Mum. I definitely didn't think I would be married to Calum or have triplets with him! But I was glad where I ended up anyways. I loved Calum. I loved Emma, Carter, and Peyton. I loved my mum. I loved everyone that I've gotten closer to in the past year. I loved my life.



Hey guys!! I'm sorry I didn't warn you about this ending sooner. But, you might know.. IM DOING A SEQUEL!! YAY! It should be up in a week (or a little over a week)!! I'm so excited! Hope you guys like it too!! Be watching for it!! I'll send out a message to all my followers, so if you want to know what it's called and when I'm starting it, make sure you follow me!! Love you guys!! Bye!!


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