Mary, Did You Know?

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My family and I woke up early the next day, starting the day off with opening our presents together. After that, we started cooking and finishing the present baggies we had started on the night before, and when we were finally finished with everything, we carefully got it ready to go and headed to the homeless shelter, more than ready to give back.


We had been at the shelter for a few hours now, and we've handed out dinners and baggies the whole time. Each time, the person was clearly grateful, and it truly filled our hearts. The way their eyes lit up, or tears came to their eyes, made me tear up. Because you could see how grateful they were. They didn't expect to get Christmas dinner or presents even.

It was one of my family's most favorite traditions, out of every tradition we had, this was the best.

We smiled and took photos, handed out more dinner and just talked to anyone and everyone there was to talk to.

I was talking with a sweet lady when I saw Derek walk in. I smiled at him and finished talking with the woman before heading over to him.

"You came." I grinned, hugging him.

He nodded and smiled back, "Of course. You'll never believe it, I met this incredible family that changed my mind about Christmas."

I laughed, "Wow! That's great! I'll have to meet this family someday and thank them for changing Scrooge then."

After that, we walked around together and talked. I introduced him to everyone we would come across and he'd be polite and have a conversation with them. He was very well liked, and got along with everyone. The family was glad to see him again too, so it was a great time.


We stayed until late that night, helping to clean up and just help around. Grace had started playing some Christmas music a while ago and there were people dancing around and laughing. Just all around having a good, fun time. Eventually Grace and Ben started to dance together, which then led to Gran and Grandpa dancing and enjoying themselves, which then led to Derek asking me to dance with him. I, of course, agreed and we started dancing.

"I know I only stayed with you and your family for a couple of days.. But you all really made an impact on my life. And don't get me wrong, it was a really good one. It just surprised me. I never really thought I'd love Christmas like you've shown me this year. So, thank you. From the bottom of my heart." Derek said, softly smiling at me as we slowly danced around the room.

I looked at him and smiled, not noticing we were slowing to a stop. "You deserve a good change. I'm just glad we were able to show you that it can be a wonderful time. Thank you for spending time with us and helping with everything. We enjoyed your company tremendously."

We just smiled at each other and held onto the other, as if we never wanted to let go of one another.

"Kiss the girl!" A sweet older man yelled out, causing us, along with everyone to look at him as he was looking at us.

"Yeah! It's the rule for where you two are standing, you know." His lovely wife agreed with her husband.

After that statement, we looked at each other confused and then looked up as we understood.


I nervously looked back at him, not sure what to do. I wanted to kiss him. But did he want to kiss me?

I didn't have that thought for long though, because Derek grinned and softly grabbed my face before kissing me right then and there.

I didn't hesitate to kiss back, smiling to myself. We stopped after a minute, and smiled at each other, still holding each other.

"Finally. I've been wanting to do that since the other night.." Derek said, gently pushing a piece of my hair out of my face.

I laughed and nodded, "I have been too. It was worth the wait."

Derek kissed me again and everyone was cheering and clapping and then we continued with our night. With our new friends and family and each other.

And it was the beginning of something wonderful, that would last a lifetime.

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