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A/N: I just wanted to say that if you have read my story Amortentia Potion this chapter is going to seem very familiar. The truth is I actually wrote this first and used the same idea in a different story. I was going to cut it out but I decided not to because it ends up being kind of important.

The next day, the twins woke us girls up by apparating into our room to wake us up telling us that their mum has work for us. Before they let us leave the room, the twins both sat on either side of me on my bed. This could only mean one thing. “Can I help you two?” I ask giving them each a look.
“We have something for you to try out for us,” Fred said with an ear-to-ear grin on his face.
“Oh no,” I shake my head, “the last time you went to human trials Ron was sick for an entire weekend.”
“This one is totally safe,” Fred assured.
“It’s just a Truth Chocolate,” George added.
“Truth Chocolate?” I repeat having no idea what that was.
“Yeah,” replied George with a huge grin.
“Whoever eats it, cannot lie for an entire day, no matter what they’re asked,” Fred explained. He dug into his pocket then and picked out some wrapped up pieces of chocolate. “We just need to know if it works, and since George and I tell each other everything, we won’t be able to tell if the other is lying. We already tried it.”
“Why are you trying that on her?” Hermione asked from her bed.
“Why not?” Fred asks.
“Because she’s a Hufflepuff,” Hermione points out.
“We know that,” said George looking right at her.
“That’s exactly why we thought she’d be up for it,” says Fred, also looking right at her.
“Because Hufflepuffs value honesty,” Finishes George with a proud looking smile at her.
“Well, it’s probably going to be a waste of time,” says Hermione standing up.
Ginny chimes in, “Yeah, Adelaide doesn’t lie or keep things from others, so why should her eating a Truth Chocolate make her any different than how she is every day? If you want to really test it out on someone vile, you should save it for when we’re at school and trick Draco Malfoy into eating it.” My heart drops into my stomach at the sound of his name. The truth is, there was something I was hiding from everyone, and it involved Draco Malfoy. 
“No,” I say, pulling myself out of my thoughts of my relationship with Draco, “I will try it. You guys said you tried it on each other already?”
“We did,” George answers, smiling with a nod.
“And you didn’t get sick,” I ask, eyeing him.
“Not even an upset stomach,” He assures me. I nod, and I take the chocolate from him and eat it quickly. Ron and Harry entered the room then, knowing we were all in here.
“Adelaide just ate a Truth Chocolate from Fred and George,” Hermione tells them as soon as they have the door shut and the adults can’t hear us.
“What’s that?” Asks Ron, “A chocolate that makes you tell the truth?”
“Exactly,” Ginny says nodding.
“Oooo,” Coos Ron, “Shall we test it?”
“Yes, let’s,” Says Harry perking up.
“Start off with something easy,” Fred instructs.
“Adelaide, what is your middle name?” George asks.
“Delilah,” I reply.
“So your full name is Adelaide Delilah Fawley,” Fred inquires.
“Yes, that is my full name,” I admit to him nodding.
“I got one,” Ron perks up, “Adelaide, do you like George?”
“Yes, of course I like George,” I admit no problem, “I’ve never had a problem with George.”
“Okay, but do you fancy George?” Fred asks now, eyeing me.
“I do not,” I admit, “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t like him. He’s a great guy and good friend.”
“Okay, enough asking her things we already knew,” George says, sounding kind of annoyed.

Ginny then asks, “Adelaide, have you ever intentionally kept something from your friends?”
I tried to lie, and say no, but I couldn’t. I went to say the word no, but what came out was, “Yes.”
George looked shocked, and so did I. Their chocolate worked. It really does work.
“Okay,” Fred says proudly, “We have gotten somewhere.”
“Adelaide, have you ever had a boyfriend you didn’t tell us about?” Asks Ginny.

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