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The next morning, Nya and I prepared breakfast in the kitchen. When the guys and Garmadon finally came out Nya told them to take a seat at the large dinning room table. We fixed their plates and walked into the dinning room. They reached for their plates. " Is that pancakes!?" Jay squealed reaching farther for his plate. " What do you say?" Nya asked. " PLEASE????" Jay was desperate. Nya handed him his plate smiling. I passed out the rest of them. " This is great!" Kai and Cole said at the same time. " Oh yes.." Lloyd tried a bite, and closed his eyes in satisfaction. " I have to agree. This is most excellent!" Zane exclaimed. " It's good." Garmadon said. Nya and I exchanged proud looks and sat down to enjoy our meal of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

After Breakfast we searched around the entire mansion to find the weapon. Jay said he'd look in the kitchen, but we thought he just wanted to eat. Zane and Cole looked in the giant living room. Kai and Nya searched through all the bedrooms. Lloyd and I looked through all of the hallways. And Garmadon searched the extra rooms.

" Find anything?" I asked Lloyd who was looking under a bench. " Nope." he answered. " There must be some kind of clue or something." I said mainly to myself. Then I got an idea. " Lloyd. Don't freak out if anything happens ok? I'm going to try something." I told him. " Oh no." He mumbled, and walked over toward me. I raised my hands to my head and concentrated. I gasped and stopped. " What? What's wrong?!" Lloyd asked me. " Come on!" smiled and grabbed his hand. I led him through the halls making turns every now and then. Lloyd followed me eagerly. I stopped at a door with a golden door knob. I carefully opened it. Inside was mostly empty except for a large brown chest in the middle. " Is it...?" Lloyd asked. " I think so." I replied. " Let's go get everyone." He said, and this time he took my hand. We raced through the mansion gathering everyone up. When we were all in the room Garmadon started frantically looking for a key. He found one and unlocked the chest opening it up.

I'm changing it some to fit to what would work better for my version. sry

Inside there were gems, a little bigger than our hands, one for each of our elements. Kai had a red gem, Cole had a black one, Jay had an electric blue one, I had F/C, Zane had an icy white gem, Nya had an ocean blue gem, and Lloyd had an emerald green one. We each took our own out of the chest. Everyone (except Garmadon) felt a wave of power rush over us when we held it. We gasped in amazement.

As we walked out of the room, packed and ready to go back to Ninjago, Garmadon collected the gems from us in the chest. We were making our way back to the door. I had a sudden feeling about Garmadon, and it wasn't a good one. He was acting suspicious too. " Lloyd, I was thinking, I don't want to fight against you anymore. I want to fight along side each other." Garmadon said. Lloyd's face lit up with hope and he smiled. " L-loyd, will you come back to Nninjago with me as father and," I had never seen Lloyd more hopeful in my life, " general number one?" Garmadon finished. Lloyd's whole face dropped in disappointment and confusion. " What? You want me to go back to Ninjago with you... as your general number one?" he asked. " Yeah! You, me, the Ultimate-Ultimate Weapon! We'd be unstoppable!" Garmadon tried to convince him, but I knew that no matter how much Lloyd just wanted to get along with his father, he would never agree to that. " No. Come back to Ninjago with me. We can fight for good!" Lloyd was the one to try and convince Garmadon now. I realized he was still carrying the chest as he backed slowly away from Lloyd as he said this, and ran into Kai and the rest of the ninja, who turned around to face him. " ....... NO!" Garmadon yelled and made for the door. We blocked his way and Cole managed to get the chest from him. He passed it to Zane, who passed it to Kai to me to Jay and the Nya as Garmadon tried to get it back. " Lloyd! Catch!" Nya yelled to him and threw it in his direction. " I got it!" Lloyd yelled back, but it was a failed attempt as he struggled to keep it with him. He ended up on the floor with the chest in front of him. Before anyone could do anything else, Garmadon grabbed the chest and got to the door. " Oh L-loyd, I should've taught you how to throw." He said disappointed, before he closed the door and locked it. Lloyd stood up, shocked at what just happened.

Then the whole building started to shake violently, knocking things over and parts of the ceiling fell. " NO!!!" I yelled and ran over to the door. I struggled to open it. It was no use. " Y/N, let me try." Cole said walking over to the door. Lloyd pulled me away from the door. He tried using his super strength, but a part of the ceiling fell in front of the door before he could get there. " We're trapped!" he yelled. " There's gotta be another way!" Kai said looking around frantically. " My sensors can't find any opening." Zane said scanning the mansion. Jay got scared and clung on to Nya, who hugged him back. " Guys get close to me!" I told them. They looked confused, but came over to me quickly. I then created a giant force field around us all. " Y/N what are you doing?" Nya asked me. " What does it look like?! I'm not going to let you guys die!" I yelled sternly. " She can't keep this up for long. She could pass out in a matter of several minutes." Zane calculated. I grunted, struggling again. " Zane's right! Summon your elemental powers guys! You've got the power!" Lloyd cheered the rest of the team on. They started practicing spin jitsu, and soon their powers were working. " Let it down! We're ready!" Cole yelled to me. I grunted and let it down. Lloyd caught me before I fell, exhausted. Jay ran over to the door and electrocuted it making it explode. I made a quick but really short force field. We could all get out now. The guys used their powers as we ran out, with Lloyd still carrying me. " Lloyd I'm fine now." I said, and he put me down grabbing my hand. We were still running from a giant boulder coming down the mountain, but we had another problem ahead of us. Literally. Ahead of us there was a cliff that was very high up. " LLOYD!?" I screamed, because we kept running. " Guys I can hear the dead, and Master Wu says...... JUMP!!!" Lloyd yelled. We all jumped off screaming. " Y/N!!!" Lloyd called. I tried putting another force field around us, but it wouldn't work. I was still too tired. " I CAN'T!!!" I yelled. " HOLD ON!!!" Lloyd yelled back. He put an energy orb around us all hoping it would do something. Everyone was still screaming in fright, but we hadn't been falling that long when we landed on something.

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