Ninjago again.

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I know..... this picture made me sad too... :( ^ ^ ^

I sat up slowly, and realized that we were on what looked like... the bounty!? Lloyd helped me up, and I hugged him. He hugged me back glad we were all ok. " Hello students!" We heard someone say. It almost sounded like...... no.... was it? " Master Wu!!!!" We all cheered. " We thought you were dead!" Cole exclaimed. " No. I thought that being 'dead' would make you listen to me. And it did!" Master Wu said, stroking his beard. We smiled and I shook my head. " Where are we going Master Wu?" Jay asked. " Ninjago. Prepare yourselves for battle." He replied. Lloyd looked at me and chuckled happily. I laughed with him. We trained the whole way there and gathered some weapons. We didn't know what to expect from Ninjago right now. Who knows what's going on! That's why we're preparing for anything.

When we got there, we found the city was horrifying to look at in it's current state. Buildings were destroyed, that evil cat was still destroying things, people were still running around screaming, and gosh who knows where Garmadon is and what he's doing! " Oh no..." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. " Mom..." Lloyd whispered and put his hands on my shoulders. " We've gotta do something." Cole said sternly. " Oh don't worry... We will." Kai sounded determined. " What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Nya said. We put our masks on and split up. The plan was to stealthily take out as many of Garmadon's generals as possible and meet back up with Lloyd after he found his father. I turned invisible and jumped off the bounty with Lloyd creating a force field around the team to land safely.

Time skip-

" Y/N! Come quick!!!" Nya called for me. Lloyd had found his father. Nya and I rushed back to the rest of the ninja. When we got there the ninja were in front of a large crowd. Everyone was looking up at the intimidating giant cat that was looking down at Garmadon. Master Wu, Koko, and my mom were at the front of the crowd. " Mom." I said and ran to her. " Y/N." She pulled me into a quick hug. Then something unexpected happened. The cat swallowed Garmadon alive! Gross! The crowd cheered that the overlord was gone. " Dad!?" Lloyd was shocked. He pulled off his mask, and speed walked closer to the cat. " Lloyd?" Jay said. " Where are you going?" Kai asked. They sounded worried. " Lloyd! No!" Koko and I said in unison. " No. It's ok. He's got this." Master Wu reassured us and put his hands on our shoulders. I wasn't going to stay back when Lloyd could be in danger. I pulled off my mask, and cautiously made my way closer to him. " Wait. Lloyd and Y/N are the ninja?!" Someone from the crowd spoke behind us. Lloyd continued to walk over towards the cat. " Here kitty, kitty, kitty." He called for it softly, and whistled. The cat saw him, and walked over to him. I gasped at how close the cat was to him, and I went beside him. He grabbed my hand not looking away from the cat. " Yeah. Come here. Good kitty." He said again softly. " You're ok. Yeah you're ok." He reached up slowly to the cat, and it breathed on us moving our hair. " Yeah. Yeah that's a good kitty." He went on, and his hand was on the bridge of it's nose. He took my hand and slowly put it on the cat too. It didn't seem that bad. " What a sweet, sweet kitty..... Everything's gonna be alright." His words didn't just sooth the cat. His gentle voice soothed me too. I stepped closer to him. " Hey. I know you don't mean to destroy everything." Lloyd sighed. " When.... people look at you... they see a monster..., but I know that you just, you just feel scared... and alone.... I know how that feels...... to be judged unfairly." He said. I looked at him. I looked at how sad he was. At how much pain he had. And it hurt. I started to cry silently as the tears fell like a waterfall. The crowd was silent. Listening to him speak. Lloyd's eyes were now tearing up too. " So..... so um... I just wanna say that.... I forgive you.... and..." He breathed in before continuing. " I'm sorry..... for... when I said..... ' I wish you weren't my father'........ I didn't really mean it." He breathed out. I realized he was talking to his father, and I wondered how much longer I could keep myself from sobbing and hugging my pure boyfriend. " What I, What I should've said is..... I wish we didn't fight all the time." His voice started cracking at 'I wish'. " And I just, I wish that I could've spent... more time with you.... And that you like could've seen everything I've been through.... But, But you weren't there. And I, I just wish that we could get that time back." Lloyd was practically crying now. I put my hand on his shoulder and he took another breath. " And... I just.. I need my dad. I just, I need my dad." He finished.

Suddenly the cat started gagging. The sudden movement scared us. We gasped and backed up. Lloyd pulled me behind him protectively. I thought I was the one with force fields here, but it was too sweet so I didn't say anything. Then the cat spat out Garmadon. Lloyd rushed over to him and kneeled down. I followed him. " Dad? Are, are you ok?" He asked, and we wiped away our tears. Garmadon covered his face with one arm, still on the ground. " Y-yeah I'm fine." He said shakily. Lloyd smiled and practically jumped on him. " You're alive!" He exclaimed laughing. I smiled at how happy and relieved he was. " Son?" Garmadon asked quietly. " Yeah?" Lloyd asked back, getting off of his dad a bit. " Did you.... mean all that stuff you said... to the cat?" He asked. Lloyd chuckled. " Every word." he replied smiling.

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