Chapter 3: Ellie

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     The whole class sits still as Mrs. Wolfe lectures us. I stare at the front of the classroom, angry. I'm not dealing with this. I'm done. After class, I'm going to get a schedule change. I sat there impatiently watching the clock. Just ready to spring up and head for the office. I was so ready for that bell to ring. I played with the ends of my hair looking down because I know that everyone must be looking at me. Suddenly I hear the best thing. Ever hear people say "saved by the bell"? Well this time, I was literally saved by it. It was the sweetest thing ever. It sounded like a loud DING, DING, DING-  I jump out of my seat, eyes locked toward the direction of the office. I push through the crowd of people, hearing a yell from behind me that sounded familiar. "run forest, run away!" Although this time, it wasn't in a movie, and it sounded sarcastic. It was Taylor. I walk faster and finally reach the door of the office. I go to the first lady I see at the desk. Her name tag read "Ms.Deye". "Excuse me" I say. "What can I do for you?" She replies. "I want to know if i could change out of a class?" "You need to talk to your counselor  for that, the counselor for the last name A-L, is to the left, and M-Z to the right." "Thank you" I say quietly. I go for the left and peek into the doorway. Inside I see a small lady with brown hair sitting at her computer, typing. I give a little knock and say "h-hi.." She responds instantly, "Hello! How may I help you?" She seemed intimidating with the amount of excitement she had. "I was wondering if I could change one of my classes?" "Oh? Is there a problem?" She says as if Noone has ever come to her for this before. "Well, I simply corrected a girl when she was laughing at my name.. and now she and her friend are just causing problems.  I just want to change my class before anything worse happens.." "Was is Taylor and Elliana?", She said quickly. How did she know?.. and Elliana? That must be her friend.. the one who made that joke.. "u-uh.. yes" "Alright, that Taylor, causes many problems, I'll see what I can do, and I'll get back to you tomorrow morning!" "Okay..thanks" I say, curious about what she meant by "many problems".. has she done this before? It's not just me? I was relieved. On the way to my 2nd period that I am now late for, I stop to use the restroom. As I'm in there, I hear footsteps and gossip. It sounded like Taylor and her friends. "Dude, my hair didn't curl right today, I hate it." "No, it looks great!" I didn't know what to do, I was finished, and they wouldn't leave! I flushed the toilet and began to panick. I then hear Taylor and her friend become quiet, as if they were fixing their hair or makeup. I slowly open the door and she looks up. "Aha, look who's here, hi Sullie" I hear the sarcasm in her voice. I thought I would just ignore it but my mouth just began to talk without my permission. "Why are you doing this? Is it funny to you? To make people insecure when they barely even saw it coming? Is that fun to you? It's my second day at school and for some reason, you decided to make fun of me for my name? You don't even know me? Wow.. that's just how low life you are huh?" "She scuffs, she looks at me with a half smile as if she didn't care, but I could see that she did. "Whatever, Ellie, let's go" Surprisingly enough, Ellie mouths a sorry, it shocked me, I just looked the other way as if I didn't see it. I feel bad for her, even though she wasn't nice, she probably just wanted to fit in with Taylor. Poor Ellie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2015 ⏰

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