Chapter 49- Be mine

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I run my hand over her smooth bare thigh, her head rests on my chest and her legs are tangled between mine

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I run my hand over her smooth bare thigh, her head rests on my chest and her legs are tangled between mine. Her lashes flutter peacefully against her still reddened cheeks, she's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

The sun's streaming through her curtains casting golden streaks on her silky skin. The heat's gradually rising in her small room and I've spent the last hour or so just staring at the different photographs and tour posters on the walls. Her soft breathing tickles my chest as I stroke her hair away from her face so I can see her better. She's got the best sex hair I've ever seen which makes me smile. I'm sure it's getting towards late morning but I don't want to wake her, ruin the tranquillity in the room. I feel so content with everything, I feel at peace. I don't know where this woman's been all my life but she fucking rocked my world and I never want to let that go.

The apartment is seemingly quiet, I presume the rest are nursing their hangovers. We heard them waltz in at about four this morning, singing and chanting. I can't complain though we definitely made just as much noise... well Gigi did. No wonder her neighbours hate her. I snicker to myself recalling all of last night.

Gigi stirs on top of me, stretching then wincing under her duvet that's half strewn across us. Eventually, her eyes flutter open and she smiles up at me, pulling the duvet self-consciously over her top half.

"Sore?" I smirk as she tries to arch her back and thinks against it.

"Shut up. Four rounds before dawn will do that to a girl." She giggles, nuzzling against my chest before she notices me staring down at her with a goofy smile. I think we're past the point of me being a creepy stalker.

"Ugh, please don't look at me, I probably have the worst sex hair and I look like a bald rat when I wake up." She tries to shield her face in her duvet but I pry it away from her face and cup her chin with my hands.

"You're gorgeous, even more so after last night. You're loud you know babe." I snicker.

She groans, red flushing her face as she dives into my chest to conceal her embarrassment.

"Hey, that's not a bad thing... I like it." She brings her head up, a slight smile running across her lips then rolls over next to me to grab her phone, she swipes onto Sofias contact to see hundreds of illiterate messages, looks like they had a good night.

I admire the woman laying next to me, typing on her phone but absent-mindedly rubbing circles on my thigh with her soft fingers. In half a year she's completely changed my life, turned my world upside down for the better and that's not something I ever want to let go of. Its been whirring around my head for weeks now, especially after the conversation I had with Max. I've spent the last few years avoiding getting hurt by avoiding relationships but instead my body aches when I'm not with Gigi, I crave to have her in my arms. She's taught me I need to let go of my past and that's what I'm going to do today. She's not Hailey and I know she'd never treat me the way she did which is why I'm not avoiding this any longer.

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