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It's been a few days since the pack had manage to kill the nogitsune and keeping stiles alive, little that they knew that by killing the nogitsune it opened ups a "bridge" and now WICKED came to their world.

At the school
stiles picked up Scott to go to school starting a life free of the nogitsune

"Hey, don't worry" said Scott while looking at stiles face, he could clearly sense that he was worried

"Yeah you're right, the nogitsune is gone, there's nothing to worry about" said stiles

They arrived at the school and saw Lydia and Allison arriving too
(Allison is alive, she didn't die)
Stiles and Lydia went inside while Scott and Allison stayed talking

"are you sure he's okey? He still looks a little pale" Allison said with a worried look

"I think so, I don't know, when I asked him he seemed worried but I think it's just because he went through a lot"
They hugged and went to class

The first class was with Mr. Yukimura , stiles could remember the time when he couldn't read a sentence and started to having a panic attack. Stiles sat next to Scott, he was so tired that he felt asleep during class.

(In the dream)
He saw people in a lab talking, it was so blurry and he was in the same white coat that the others, he couldn't manage to hear what they were saying. Then the scene changed, he was looking at a girl, stiles was so confused of all that was happening, then before he woke up, he heard a woman saying "WICKED IS GOOD"
and then it was black

"stiles" a voice said
"Stiles!" Mr Yukimura was saying his name, snapping stiles form his dream

"Sorry" stiles said, then he looked around just to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, then he looked at Scott that was looking at him worried
"Stiles, are you okey?"scott said whispering
"Yeah, I'm fine, why shouldn't I be" stiles said, lying.
Scott could hear his heartbeat rising, he new that he lied, but he didn't asked stiles if he what was happening.

Three clases finished, stiles, Lydia, Allison , Scott and Malia sat together on a bench while talking, stiles wasn't talking too much he was still confused about what he dreamed, he stated eating and then he looked up to the clock and saw that they just missed two clases. The hole group went running to their final class, Scott and stiles saw a new teacher. They were so confused but decided to ignore it.

After school they saw a new kid, it was Theo Raeken, he was an old friend of Scott, Theo saw Scott and they started talking. Stiles was confused by the fact that Theo came back, the kid looked suspicious so stiles decided to follow him. After Scott and him finished  talking, Scott left and saw that stiles had left he checked his phone and saw a message form stiles telling him that his dad was calling so that's why he left early, Scott walked to his house.

Stiles was hiding behind one tree, he decided to left his Jeep at his house so the lie would seem convincing, when he saw that Theo was going somewhere he followed him.

He saw Theo meeting a friend, he didn't knew the other person. He wanted to get a closer look but when we took a step closer it accidentally made a very loud noise, Theo's friend found him

"Shit" stiles said, then he stared running
"hey! Who are you!"said theo's friend while chasing him

Stiles looked around and theo was gone
Stiles fell and theos friend caches him
"Who are you?!" Said stiles

The person didn't respond, stiles can see that this man was so angry and didn't know why next thing, stiles saw his face changing he new that he was a werewolf.

"You now what I am right" said the man
"I know that you are a stupid werewolf" stiles said

"Wrong thing to say" the man said before it happened

"UHHH!"Stiles said while falling down to his knees , he new what just happened, the man bit him on the arm
Stiles stand up and saw that the man wasn't there


Dun dun dunnn
Sorry if this chapter was a little short

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