Chapter 1-3 (draft)

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Chapter 1

She banged and banged on the reinforced bars that were infused with an electrical pulsing current. She burned her hands as she grasped onto the bars, screaming and growling out in her fit of rage. Trinity didn't care anymore, her wrath within had taken over and all she wanted was to taste and bath in the blood of those who had wronged her and locked her away here, in the pits of Tartarus for an eternity.

Her black wings were no longer, the beautiful, powerful and strong wings they once were. Her feathers were torn, bleeding and fraying on the ends. Her long black hair was frazzled and knotted. Trinity could barely see her alabaster skin beneath all the filth from the dirt and dried blood.

Trinity was locked away deep in the pits of Tartarus, where she was confined to a cage in a dark cell that was especially made just for her with no light, which said a lot. Everyone was prohibited to come near her. She was quarantined, deemed too dangerous to be around others.

After hours turning to days, days turning to weeks, weeks turning to months, until she lost track of time. She continued to bang and scream continuously, until she finally came to terms with herself that she was never going to leave this hell of all hells. She sat on the ground with her knees pulled close to her chest and her damaged wings wrapped around herself.

Trinity tried numerous times to mend her wings back to health, but living here in Tartarus your powers were taken away from you. Once you became a prisoner here time was your only friend, and that she had plenty of.

For the first time she couldn't fathom in how long Trinity gave up fighting against the bars that she knew would not give. Instead she sat quietly with her wings wrapped around herself, listening to the cries and screams of others. The madness that once coursed through her, now coursed through others. Eventually everything becomes silent to her, as she numbed herself from all the pain and anger. Trin no longer felt anything, no love, hate, no revenge; nothing she was completely emotionless.

Chapter 2

The locks to my cell opened and a bright light shined through from the doorway blinding me, forcing me to turn away from the light. Living in darkness for so long I became accustomed to it. When I turned back toward to the cell door my eyes burned from the light forcing me to squint. Fuzzy images stood by the door as I could hear a set of voices speaking. I could only see one fuzzy image handing another something, but I wasn't quite sure. The light was burning my eyes, not allowing me to see clearly. The door banged closed leaving one fuzzy figure inside with me.

This person had a death wish.

"Go away!" I warned.

The footsteps continued to walk closer toward my cage. I didn't move. Nothing at this point scared me. It was them who should be afraid, and stupid if they came any closer. "Your funeral." I chided back. The footsteps stopped a few feet away from my cage. Smart. "What do you want?" I growled out.

"I have a proposal to offer." He said.

"If you value your life, I advise you leave now. I have nothing else to lose. I'm already in prison as you can see."

He took a step closer with a sly smile across his face. "Once you hear this, you're going to want to take my deal." He said.

I curled my lip as I glared up at him. "You really must have a death wish don't you, Rowan."

Rowan shook his head. "I didn't put you in here, Trinity. Stop treating me as your enemy."

I jumped up, gripping the bars tightly as my hands began to burn and bleed from the contact with the bars as thousands of volts of electricity coursed through my hands. "You all are guilty, for what you did to me! Each and every one of you will pay!" I snarled. As the lust for blood returned.

Trinity Angel of Wrath & Justice bk 1Where stories live. Discover now