The Results

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Ok, hi guys, i just want to say a few things before i get this chapter started. First things first, IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING FOREVER TO GET THIS CHAPTER OUT. My life's been so hectic, but I'm back now bitch's sooo yeah. The second thing is that i have made a schedule for this book, so that way there will be new chapters every week (at least that is what I'm hoping for). And the last thing is that i hope you all have a very happy and wonderful Christmas, so consider this chapter my Christmas gift to you all. That's it, hope you have a merry Christmas and please enjoy this chapter, love you all.

TW for:

Peters P.O.V

Group chat: the pack
Hey guys
Just wanted let you all know that I will get my test results in today
Wish me luck
Hopefully i got in

Good luck kid
Not that you need it

You don't need luck
You already have it

I think I speake for everyone when i say
That you don't need luck and that in a few days time we will be hearing all about your new job at STARK Industry's




Cant wait to hear all about it Fox
Now get going or going to be late for school

Your right, ima be late
Gotta go

I pocket my phone and sprint out my door and out the apartment and into the busy streets of New York. I run all the way to the subway and get on just before the doors close. I find a empty seat and sit down, next to a man that seems very familiar but I can't seem to put a name to him. I shrugged and put my earbuds in and go on Spotify and play my playlist that consisted of AC/DC, QUEEN, and a few other classic songs. I have many playlists but i like my playlist that consists of classic songs the best.

I'm listening to thunderstruck by AC/DC when i feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and its the man I'm sitting next that tapped me. I take out my earbuds and look at him, "can i help you?" I ask, "umm, sorry to bother you but i saw that you had a volunteer badge on your backpack that says you volunteer at a animal shelter, is that true?" He asks me. "Yeah i volunteer at a local SPCA in Queens, why? You looking to adopt?" I tell him, "yeah, i am actually, I'm looking for a... umm, emotional support animal" he says hesitantly. "Oh cool, here i can give you the address if you want?" I say "that'd be great, thank you" "no problem, I'm always happy to find homes for all the cats and dogs... what animal are you looking for? A dog or a cat?" I ask him. "A dog, a companion to play with" he says, "oh i think i know a few dogs that would be great for that roll, any specific breed your looking for?" "No, not really... well, I guess a big dog, but not like Great Dane or mastiff type big, more like lab or Dalmatian type big" he says "oh, ok then... umm OH! I know the perfect dog for you, the breed is a German Shepard female, hows that sound?" I ask. "That actually sounds great, what her name and what's she like?" He asks. "I have a picture of her actually, hold on....... here this what she looks like" i say as i show him the picture of Lilith.

 here this what she looks like" i say as i show him the picture of Lilith

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