Darkness has to get married

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I wake and yawn. I look down to see yunyun fast asleep. I close my eyes and go back to sleep........wait. My eyes shoot open and I see yunyun. I feel myself blush madly when I hear shouting. I get up and look outside to see kazuma being hounded by the three girls. Wonder what's wrong with them. I put on my clothes and wake up yunyun.
Y/N: hey yunyun.
She groans a bit and rolls over.
Y/N: yunyunnnnn
She gets up and runs her eyes. When she sees me she smiles.
Yunyun: good morning. I had an odd dream last night. It was that I came to your room and fell asleep with you.
Y/N: um. Yunyun.
She's confused until she looks around the room and turns bright red
Yunyun: IM SO SORRY Y-
I hold my hand over her mouth.
Y/N: it's fine. To be honest. I hadn't slept that good in awhile yunyun. Thanks.
She blushes and looks done and nods. I give her a head pat.
As we walk outside I see some lady coming towards us.

TimeskipAs we walk outside I see some lady coming towards us

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???: KAZUMA!!!?
Y/N: morning kazuma. Who's that?
Kazuma: her names Sena. Long story short kinda got in trouble because people thought I was the reason so my monsters were attacking this town. Now she's in my case because she's worried something else might happen.
Sena: there have been multiple monster reporting. You know anything about that?
Kaduna: um no.
Sena: your coming with me.
Megumin: Hang on. One of our most valued party members is in trouble and we cannot leave her in her time of need.
Kazuma: megumin. You should go. Your explosion magic is the best way to go about it.
Megumin: but-
Kazuma: shhhhh

Kazuma: only you can do it(I have always found this face hilarious as hell)Wait

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Kazuma: only you can do it
(I have always found this face hilarious as hell)
Megumin: only I can....yes!!! I will go!!!
As I see her walk away I lean over to kazuma
Y/N: I know what your trying to do.
Kazuma: oh shit.
Y/N: don't worry. I won't interfere.
Kazuma sighs but my eyes shine red
Y/N: but if you even think about trying to get rid of yunyun I will make to see Eris again.(Eris is the god who is taking aquas place meaning you will kill kazuma)
He freezes in fear and nods. I smile.
Time skip
We're standing inside some sort of dressing room. I finally got done getting into this butler suit and am trying to get some air. We all agreed to be darkness butler and maid for now. I turn around to see yunyun in a maids clothes.
Yunyun: h-h-how do I l-l-look?
I look away
Y/N: you look great
Yunyun: why are you looking away? I want you to be honest. Look at me!!
She then starts chasing me around
Yunyun: come on!! Get a good look Y/N I want to know if I look weird or not
Y/N: I'm saying your not yunyun!!!! Please stop asking me to look at you!!!!
Kazuma: what the...
I'm standing behind darkness along with kazuma. We're both making sure she doesn't do anything stupid.
Darkness: I'll spare you the details of my family line and just say-AHHHH
I shot a bit of energy at her.
Alexi: oh!! Are you all right?
Kazuma: m'ladu must have gotten flustered to see you.
Y/N: it would seem so. After all. She does have a tendency to do this around men she is attracted to.
Darkness: actually I was just about to ur-AAAAAAHH
Y/N: keep it up and that'll turn into something bigger
Darkness: I look forward to it.
Oh my god why.
I'm sitting on a hill in front of a pond with yunyun. We're feeding the fish.
Y/N: so do you think darkness will actually marry this guy?
Yunyun: Maybe. He does seem like quiet the noble one. He's so handsome too...
Not sure why but I now have the urge to attack this bastard.
Y/N: so he's your type huh?
Yunyun blushes and laughs awkwardly
Yunyun: no. I mean sure he's kind but I prefer someone more...friendly.
She then looks at me
Yunyun: like a close friend.
Y/N: yunyun I-
Kazuma: hey!!! We're going inside come on.
We stare at each other before signing and getting up.
Y/N: you know. I never realized how good we had it back then.
Kazuma: yeah not gonna lie wish I didn't die.
Y/N: speak for yourself. There are perks in this world.
Darkness challenged alexi to a duel and now he's giving up.
Darkness: why can't you be more like kazuma!!! He's ruthless!!! In fact!!! Show him right now!!!!
Kazuma: what!?!? I can't-
Y/N: do it.
Timeskip (too lazy. It goes the same way as it does in the manga)
Kazuma and darkness are in a stand still.
Darkness: the difference in strength is great between a crusader and a-AAAAHHHH
Kazuma: oh come on did you really think I'd play fair? I thought you'd know me better by noWWWWWWWWW
She starts twisting his wrists
Darkness: drain touch eh? I guess I'll snap your wrists before you can cyphon off even a fraction my energy.
Y/N: ok. Time to step in.
I run over to darkness and side kick her using only a little bit of strength. This ends her back a bit. But she still smiles wildly.
Y/N: run.
Kazuma: wha-
I kick him and get in my battle stance. Darkness and I grab each other's hands.
Y/N: well. This should be interestIIIIIIIIIIIIII
She starts to twist my wrists but I start to twist hers.
Darkness: not bad for a weak adventurRRRRRRRRRR
I twist her wrists all the way and give a neutral face.
Y/N: I will not let you be weird.
She then kicks me right in the.....weak point. I collapse. She then kicks my ribs.
Darkness: now...TIME TO-
I upper cut her sending her flying back.
Y/N: ok that should have-
I then see her get up.
Darkness: I will not stop...TILL I BEAT YOU!!!
I hold out my hand and charge up my ki and shoot it at her. She blocks it but she absorbs it.
Darkness: what the-
Y/N: I gave you some god ki. Just to make things fair. Now let's-GUK
I look down to see her fist in my gut. How the hell did she move that fast?!( I knew that god ki would increase her skill but not by this much!!! I punch her and she grabs me slamming me down. As I look up I swear a bit. She's got no skirt on and is lying ontop of me.
Darkness: YOUR MINE Y-
Y/N: ima regret this.
I hold up my hand and shoot a basic ki blast in her gut shooting her up. I sigh. Then the king walks in.
King: I thought you might want some-
He drops the wine bottle seeing his douaghter unconscious and almost nude.
Awua: it was them.
Yunyun: w-wait!!!!
King: off with there heads.
Kazuma and alexi: wait it's not what it looks like!!!
Y/N: bitch try me.
Luckily the king understood. We were chatting and the king explained why she was like this. Then she woke up.
Kazuma: finally your up!!!
Y/N: the king walked right in as you landed ont he ground. He was about to have them executed.
She looks at me before grinning.
Darkness: I'm sorry but this cannot go any longer. I am pregnant with Y/N's child.
Yunyun: WHAT!?!?
Alexi: ah. I see. It is all right. I will tell my father that the wedding is off.
As he walks out I see the king crying. Come thing about grandkids. Me?
Y/N: hey darkness?
Darkness: yes my child's father?
I'm about to jump out the window when Sena comes in.
Everyone: eh?

My little demon male god(not a literal go)reader x yunyunWhere stories live. Discover now