Unforseen events

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Y/N is sitting with kazuma just talking when the entire ground shakes.

Y/N: the hell was that?!?

Kazuma and Y/N run outside and see a giant tower looming over the entire town just outside the borders.

Y/N: was that always there?

Kazuma: yes. You've just never noticed. WHAT DO YOU THINK?!?

Y/N: jeez just making sure.

The girls then come out and ask the same question Y/N did. Kazuma loos like he's about to strangle one of us. Suddenly a screen of some sorts appears. Inside is a man with a scar across his face.

???: hello. My name is Tuhrany. I am the devil kings assistant. He has come here to kill off this being. He is said to posses more power than any of his generals and could possibly defeat the devil king. So he has come here himself to kill him.

A picture of Y/N then pulls up.

Y/N: huh.....

Tuhrany: if you bring him in we will chase no harm to this town. But if you don't. We will turn this town to dust. Just to be sure we will send out an army of dark knights to make sure you don't pull anything funny. Good bye.

The screen closes.

Kazuma: ok. This is a problem.

Aqua then starts shaking kazuma like crazy


Kazuma: LET GO OF KE YOU USELESS GODESS!!!!! Let's just think of what to do. Y/N?.....Y/N...?

Everyone looks around to see he's gone

Yunyun: where'd he go?

They then see a note lying on the ground. That read "gonna go fight. Bye."

Everyone just stares dumbstruck that Y/N actually went by himself. Meanwhile outside the walls Y/N stood with his arms crossed waiting. The towers gates opened and out came a bunch of knights that were all black but had some sort of mist leaving it.

Y/N: all right. Let's see how durable you tin heads are. 

The black knights run at Y/N. They all jump him. Suddenly Y/N is now standing behind them and they all blow back and explode.

Y/N: ok. So it's obvious that mist keeps em together. So if that mist is keeping them together then someone must be controlling them.

More black knights run at Y/N. Y/N just dodges each attack and punches them all causing them to explode. The next wave shows up only this time they were slightly faster. The more black knights came the more faster they became. By the 7th wave Y/N was blocking and attacking each with as much power as he could. One finally hit him and Y/N let's out all his power causing a hint shockwave to emit from him sending them all back.

Kazuma: Y/N!!!!!

Y/N turned around to see kazuma, yunyun, megumin, aqua, and darkness all running towards him.

Y/N: yo.

Kazuma: whyd you go without us!?!

Y/N: didn't want to risk you guys getting hurt.

Yunyun then gets in front of Y/N.

Yunyun: I won't let you go alone.

Yunyun hugs him and he hugs her back and he sighs.

Y/N: fine. But be careful. These things get stronger with each wave. By now there making me block and have to put effort.

Kazuma: all right. Oh!! The blacksmith you and I went to go see finished both our swords. He said to name them or they'd shrink.

My little demon male god(not a literal go)reader x yunyunWhere stories live. Discover now