Our first quest

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Yunyun POV
I finally made my first friend!!!! I knew stalking people wasn't a bad way to make friends!!!!! We were standing in front of the board looking for quest when I spot something. I tug and Y/N's arm and he looks at me.
Y/N: yeah?
Yunyun: how about this one?
I point at a quest where all we had to do was kill giant frogs.
Y/N: huh. Doesn't look to hard
I was flying after a frog that had eaten yunyun. All I could see was her legs now. I hold out my hands and concentrate shooting a ball of energy at it. The frog fell over and I fly over to its mouth and open it. I pull out yunyun and punch the frog back a bit. As I'm trying to catch my breathe I look over to yunyun who's covered in slime. I can't help but blush a bit a look away.

 I can't help but blush a bit a look away

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Yunyun: t-thank you...
Y/N: y-yeah...n-no problem.
I see more frogs coming at us and I sigh. I stand up and my eyes start to shine brightly as I hold my hands forward.
A yellow beam shoots from my hands as all the frogs tune to dust. I turn around to see if yunyuns ok and she seems fine. Except for the fact that she's covered in slime.
Y/N: you ok?
She nods but she slips as she tries to stand. I then pick her up and place her on my back
Yunyun: what are you-
Y/N: gonna carry you. I can tell your pretty weak and probably won't make it the whole way home. So I'm just gonna carry you. That ok?
She nods and I fly off. As were in the air I turn to see yunyuns eyes wide with joy. I smile.
Y/N: enjoying the view?
She nods
Yunyun: could we stay up here a bit longer?
I nod and start flying around letting yunyun soak it all in. Her face is so adorable when she smiles. No. Don't even think about it. I fly for a bit more before I start to feel tired. Yunyun notices this and smiles.
Yunyun: we can land if your tired you know.
I sigh in relief and fly down to the guild. We both take a quick shower and leave feeling better. As we sit down we both sigh. I hold up the bag of money and place it on the table.
Y/N: so. How should we spend this?
Yunyun: you can use it.
Y/N: no. This was a team thing. We share.
She smiles.
Yunyun: thanks. It's just that when I worked with other party's they always used me and then took the money for themselves. So I never really got to buy anything I wanted.
With a serious face I push the money towards her.
Y/N: it's all yours.
Yunyun: w-what!?! Why!?
Y/N: you can buy whatever you want.
Yunyun: but what about you!?!
Y/N: seeing you happy is good enough for me.
She blushes and nods. We talk a bit more before I hear kazumas voice calling to us. I turn to see him and the blue haired girl again.
Kazuma: how was the giant frog quest?
Yunyuns face falls while I nervously laugh
Y/N: yunyun kinda got eaten so I chased after the fort for awhile and then destroyed all of them with a single shot a heheheh.
Kazuma just nods.
Kazuma: anyway. I heard it's just you guys in your party. Wanna join ours?
Y/N: depends. Who are you asking to join?
Kazuma: both of you. I can tell you two sort of have a thing so I know neither of you won't abandon the other.
Y/N: oh thanks ma-wait. What do you mean by we have a thing?
Kazuma then looks confused as he says something that makes yunyun spit out her drink
Kazuma: well. Aren't you two dating or something?
I I turn redder than my hair color and so does yunyun. I hold my hands up as I try to explain
Yunyun: y-yeah!!!
Kazuma then smiles in a very smug way.

Kazuma: it's ok

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Kazuma: it's ok...I understand completely
Y/N: that smug face of yours says otherwise
Kazuma: ok. So you guys in.
I look at yunyun and we make a small huddle. We whisper whether or not to go while kazuma and the blue haired girl just stand there. We then look back at them. We then go back to talking about whether or not to join. We both face them.
Kazuma: ok. Anyway. Where are you guys sleeping?
Y/N: the stables.
Kazuma: want to sleep with us tonight? We got a mansion.
Yunyuns eyes widen with sparkles and I immediately say yes.
As me and yunyun are walking to the mansion with kazuma we're talking
Y/N: so. This megumin person. She's your rival right?
Yunyun: yes. We've been rivals ever since we were kids. Although. She always wins.
Y/N: huh...so you've never beaten her at anything?
Yunyun: unfortunately no. She's always been better than me at everything.
Y/N: I can name something your better than her at.
Yunyun looks at me with hope
Yunyun: what is it?tell me!!!
I smile. Unfortunately kazuma tunes in before I can say anything.
Kazuma: you got bigger bo-
I hit the back of his head.
Y/N: the hell.
Kazuma: sorry sorry. God that hurt. Ok ok I'm sorry.
Y/N: good. Now as I was say-
Kazuma: your better at losing to her.
This time I picked him up and threw him into the air.
Y/N: your better at being adorable.
Yunyun blushes and I shoot up to catch kazuma from falling.
Yunyun POV
Better...at being adorable.....huh. Well. If Y/N says that it must be true. As I look ahead to see Y/N and kazuma yelling at each other I smile.

My little demon male god(not a literal go)reader x yunyunWhere stories live. Discover now