Meet The Parents

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I was out of breath once I finished putting on my wine colored tights. Ian must've heard me because he was leaning on my walk in closet while I put on my flats.

"Being pregnant and recovering from an accident is hard." I say, sitting down on an ottoman.

Ian chuckled, "You look..."

I panicked, "What? Am I too casual? I just didn't want to look very classy because I didn't them to think I'm snarky and I didn't want to look too casual be because then I'll be a snob."

"Alice, for the last time. Be yourself." Ian sighed.

"Myself is wearing girly pink things and high heels. I can't wear heels and it's not Wednesday." I say.

"Then wear whatever makes you comfortable." Ian suggests.

I frowned, "Comfortable for me right now is sweatpants, a camisole, and a tub of cookie dough ice cream."

"You look fine! That sweater is awesome." Ian says.

I looked down at my gray Harry Potter sweater. It said Hogwarts and had the school logo on it.

"I'm hoping they'd think I studied there." I say jokingly.

"My father will probably fall for it." Ian chuckled.

"What do I do with my hair?" I asked. Somehow Ian always knew what looked good on me with what. He was oblivious to it, but I always took the advantage.

If he wasn't an actor he'd probably be a fashion designer like Leo. Leo would be ashamed I was taking fashion advice from my boyfriend.

"Make it like the first time I met you. The crown braid thingy." Ian says.

See what I mean?

"Yes, that's perfect." I say, kissing his cheek.

"I'm going to go change and then we'll be ready to go." Ian says and left.

I was practically shaking of nervousness when we got to Ian's parents house. I stopped him halfway to the door and fixed his shirt collar.

He was wearing a navy button shirt with a red bow tie and black classy pants. His raven hair was as always perfect.

"You look very handsome." I say, biting my nails.

"Calm down. It's not like I'm walking you to your death." Ian says, taking my hand to stop me from biting them.

"Okay... The baby is kicking like crazy." I laughed, the little flutters in my belly tickling.

"Are you sure we're not having a kangaroo?" Ian says with a smile.

"I don't think so." I giggled.

Ian didn't even knock on the front door, he just let himself in. There was a loud cheer and I was immediately engulfed in hugs.

"Oh my gosh, hi! We were so anxious to meet you." A woman who looked a lot like Ian says after giving me a hug.

"Hi." I simply say.

"Alice, this is my mother Edna, my father Robert and my brother and sister, Robin and Robert." Ian says, placing a comforting hand on the small of my back.

"Very nice to meet you all. I admit I'm a little nervous. I'm Alice Quinn Hall." I say shyly.

"You are so cute! I'm so sad that Ian never talked about you. It wasn't until the accident that we found out." Robin says, flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder.

I gave Ian a look and he rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah..."

"It's alright. I don't have communication with my mother and my father passed away a couple months ago and he thankfully told me to follow my heart." I say.

Ian smiled at me, "You never told me that last part." He says softly and I blushed.

"Aww! You two so adorable." Edna says.

"Mom..." Ian groaned embarrassed and I giggled.

"What? Can't a mother be happy? Cmon before dinner gets cold." Edna says and we all followed her to the dining table.

Ian took off my coat and Robin and Edna squealed loudly, startling me.

"Oh, you're bump is so cute!" Robin says and Edna nodded.

I smiled and lifted my shirt up to show them, "What this little thing?"

Edna fanned her face, "I think I'm going to cry."

"Aw, mom." Ian says and his brother and sister laughed.

"I'm sorry. It's just I'm so thankful you're giving me a grand-baby before Ian turns forty." Edna says.

"Thanks, Mom, really. I'm only thirty-five." Ian says sarcastically and pushed my chair in after I sat down between Ian and his brother.

"It's that you're so busy and I'm glad you finally settled down." Edna says as we served our food.

"Speaking of Ian's age... How old are you, Alice?" Ian's dad, Robert, asked.

"I'm almost twenty-two." I say casually, but it seemed more serious to him.

"Your family or you doesn't mind the age gap?" He says and the room went into awkward silence.

I shrugged, "I never really thought of it. I know that I'm mature, stable, and smart enough to choose who's right for me. My family doesn't really care."

Ian smirked and pressed his forehead to the side of my head, "I love you." He whispered low enough for only me to hear.

Twenty minutes later we were in the family room talking casually. Edna actually pulled out the baby photo book and I was gushing over baby Ian. He on the other hand looked bright as a tomato with embarrassment.

"I think it's time to do the gender reveal." Ian says, standing up and taking a little note he had in his pocket.

We had gone to the doctor's appointment early today to find out what we were having, but we wanted Ian's family to see our reaction. My baby's gender was written on that little sticky note that no one has seen yet.

"We'll open it together." Ian says and I nodded.

"We're having a little princess, Alice." Ian says, tears of joy in his eyes.

I pressed my forehead to his and smiled, feeling amazingly happy. His family hugged me and congratulated us.

"My family is going to be so happy. I broke the curse of having a boy first. I owe Eliot twenty bucks." I say as we left the rental house Ian's family was staying at.

"He thought it was a girl?" Ian says.

"Yeah, he's always thought God heard my family's prayer a second before I was born. The ultrasound said I was a boy, but they made a mistake and were elated when I was a girl. I on the other hand, think I was switched at birth and my parents stayed quiet." I laughed and he laughed with me.

"We're going to have a spoiled little girl." Ian says, taking my face in his hands, kissing me passionately.



Hai guys!!! A baby girl won!!! So this story is almost finished! That picture is my actual HP shirt. I love it so much I though I should include it here :). On another note, if you read my story Adopted By the Salvatores, (if not go check it out hehe), it's not going to be updated for a while because I'm writing amazing thugs for it :)!


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